A Makeover

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Mandy carefully wipes some of the dirt off of Lou's face, making sure it goes away from his perfect porcelain skin. Lou view's his surroundings, looking in front of him and Mandy to the makeup counter. Searching through the many beauty products she had, all in there own sections. Lipstick, mascara, foundation and hair spray in there own personal spaces. He soon glances down at a magazine by the side, there was two sticky notes with writing on them. Saying 'You need to work harder' and 'You must be perfect for him'. He questions by the him, could Mandy mean by him she mean's Lou? It wouldn't be much of a surprise. He did pressure everyone to be the prefect doll for the big world, causing some dolls to have a lot of stress on them. Mandy notices him staring at the notes so she swiftly grabs the magazine. "Eh eh just ignore that!" She chuckles nervously covering the magazine with her chest. She stands up and places it away from the counter, Lou felt slightly concerned for her. Is this what she has been thinking? That she isn't perfect because of Lou standards of what is a pure and perfect doll. Forcing his ideas in Mandy's head. Lou glances at the girl, "There's no need to believe that crap." "P-pardon?" Mandy was surprised from what he said. Lou smirks at her, "You're prettier than those girls on that stupid magazine. Honestly, I'm surprised you still listen to that crap I'd say." Her eyes widen, flustered from his statement. Mandy shakes her head and ignores him, thinking he's only saying that to make her trust him. Sure she was happy he decided to change but, he may go back to his evil ways. So she is keeping her guard up... For now. She picks up a brush and hair spray, Lou squints his eyes at the girl, irritated that she's ignoring him. "Hey didn't you hear me? I said you're prettier then them!" She once again ignores Lou, quickly changing the subject by asking, "After we're finish, would you like to talk with Ox?" He huffs and rolls his eyes because of her stubbornness. Lou has never apologized to anyone, apart from Ox. "Looks like someone can't accept a compliment." He mutters. Mandy glares at the blonde, pulling the hair brush down his blonde knotted locks roughly. Making him groan, "Hey! Not so hard!"

"Well... what ya think?" Mandy questions, finishing the last button on Lou's black suit. Lou was standing in front of the mirror, viewing his self in his new dashing suit and perfect hair. "I adore it my dear Mandy." She blushes as Lou admire his self in the mirror. Turning around in a full circle to grin, happy he's back to his charming and hot self. Mandy couldn't help but blush from Lou calling her his dear. "N-no problem Lou. Anyway we should get going." Mandy says as she begins to walk to the door. Lou gazes at her in confusion, "Going? Where to?" She stops in front of the door, turning her head to face Lou. "To Moxy. You need to apologize to her and well... everyone else." She says with a small laugh. The blonde groans and stares to the ground, he feels pathetic when saying sorry to others. It feels degrading to him. "Come on Louis, are you too shy?~" Mandy jokes with a smirk, making him look at her with a small hint of pink on his cheeks. Especially from calling him his full name. Nobody has. "Ha! me shy?! I'll show you who's the shy one between us." Lou winks before stepping in front of the girl. Placing his thumb under her chin, her cheeks become red from noticing how close Lou was to her face. His eyes stay glued on Mandy's as he bites his bottom lip. "Alright alright I get it!" Mandy says clearly agitated. Lou chuckles finding her cute when she's embarrassed, she quickly turns away from him and paces out of the room. Leaving Lou to just laugh and soon follows the flustered girl.  

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