"I don't wanna hear it!" Alya interrupted furiously. "You waited for so long to be with Adrien and then when you're finally a couple, you cheat on him with Chat Noir! You should know better than this! And you!" She turned to Chat Noir. "I know you've been waiting for Ladybug to accept your love and you finally have it too! Why on good God's earth would you waste it by cheating with a taken girl?" It looked as if steam was pouring out of her ears and her glasses had gone askew.

"Baby," Nino tried to calm her. "Don't be so hard on them."

"No!" Alya yelled. "They need to hear this!" She turned back to Marinette and Chat and was shocked to see them trying not to laugh. "Oh, so you think it's funny? How do you think Adrien and Ladybug would feel if they knew their significant others were off sucking face with other people?"

Ignoring her completely, Marinette asked Chat amusedly, "Should we tell her, Chaton?"

Alya repeated instantly, "Tell me what?"

Chat replied mischievously, "Mmm, I don't think she'll be able to take it, Buginette."

Alya's anger slowly became confusion and curiosity. "What won't I be able to take?"

"True, but we'll have to tell them someday."

"I guess you're right, as always, Princess."

Stomping her foot petulantly, Alya fumed, "What are you guys talking about? Tell me now or I'm going to wipe that dirty smirk off your face, Chat Noir!"

The black-clad superhero continued smirking knowingly at the reporter. "Do you really wanna know?" he lazily murmured.


He looked questioningly at Marinette and she nodded surely. Taking each other's hands they both whispered the words needed for their transformation.

"Spots on."

"Claws in."

When the two bright flashes had disappeared, Alya pried her eyes open and was utterly dumbfounded at the sight of Adrien and Ladybug sitting in the place of Chat Noir and Marinette. "Wha, wha, huh?" she murmured dumbly and could only point at the couple.

"I think we've rendered her speechless, bugaboo," Adrien teased. Nino was staring on as well, his expression matching his girlfriend's.

Suddenly, Alya yelled, "Are you kidding me?" She began pacing back and forth, murmuring disbelievingly to herself. "Right under my nose this whole time... didn't have a clue."

"Wait, wait wait," Nino began. "So, it was you two that almost got it on that one time on the Eiffel tower?" Both Ladybug and Adrien's faces flushed at the memory and nodded shamefully. "Wow! I guess that's why Marinette always gets so angry whenever anyone downplays Chat Noir and Adrien suspiciously always knew exactly what happened in akuma attacks. And why you always disappear at the same time during akuma attacks," Nino reasoned, surprisingly calm. Alya was still pacing and Nino pulled her back onto the couch, rubbing soothing circles into her back.

"You guys are lucky you're cute or I might just rip your faces off," Alya murmured.

"Well," Adrien smirked again and pressed a kiss to the back of Ladybug's hand. "I guess we're the cat's meow."

Two years later

Marinette was well on her way to becoming the next big thing in the fashion industry. She was doing commissions almost every week and she had won many competitions since her first derby hat one. She had been accepted into 4 different designing schools. She ended up choosing the one that Adrien could also study business - he was planning on taking over Agreste fashion company.

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