An Akuma

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A/N Thanks again for reading my story! I took some liberties with this chapter because the actual Akuma fight isn't very relevant to the story. If you find any non-canonical facts, please say so in reviews so I can change them! You can find the image boards for this chapter at my Instagram/Wattpad called miraculous_mxngo. I hope you like this chapter!

I'm not making any money from this story and all characters belong to Thomas Astruc.


For two weeks, Marinette was in heaven. Every day was better than the next and she never wanted it to end. She had been wearing trendy outfits that Adrien always complimented, especially when she wore his hoodie, which was almost every day. Before they parted ways at the end of school, they always shared a tight hug that left both teens blushing and with wide grins on their faces. The icing on the cake was that Chat visited her nearly every night, which brought cuddles, cookies and combinations of kisses (on the head of course) and hugs. Marinette sometimes felt slightly guilty that she was seeing two boys at the same time. But Tikki had reasoned that technically, she wasn't dating either of them so she wasn't doing anything wrong. This is what Marinette told herself when her heart fluttered and her cheeks turned red the exact same way every time she was sitting close to either Chat or Adrien. There was nothing wrong with liking two boys, right? And besides, she didn't even like Chat that way. Definitely not. It was impossible. She was most certainly not thinking about him. "Mhm. Keep telling yourself that, babe. "

Currently, it was Friday and Marinette woke up, eager at the prospect of another day with Adrien and Chat. She had a quick shower and brushed her teeth. Since it was the end of the month, she decided to go out with a bang. Their class normally had a small celebration at the end of each month so everyone would be in slightly nicer clothes anyway. After consulting with Tikki, who unsurprisingly had a large amount of fashion knowledge, Marinette decided to wear a black, grey and white plaid skirt and a cream jumper with black opaque tights and black ankle boots. She also wore her hair a bit fancier - she did a messy top bun and put a snowdrop pin into it. "Ooh, girl, you look fine." She laughed to herself while checking in the mirror. To top the look, she wore a charm bracelet that was her own design. It had ladybug, pawprint and yellow rose charms. Tikki flew over to her holder and squealed in delight. "Marinette, you look incredible! I'm sure Adrien will love it!"

Marinette beamed, "Thanks Tikki!" She grabbed her purse and opened it for the little bug to fly into. She ran down the stairs and grabbed an apple. "Good morning, Mama!" she greeted her mother.

"Good morning, Marinette," she replied. The older bluenette noticed the change in her daughter's clothing and smiled knowingly. "I see you've decided to leave November with a bang. Perhaps a certain blonde model will notice…" she teased.

Marinette blushed and covered her face. "You're not allowed to talk about my personal life, Mama!" She removed her hands and asked her mother cautiously, "Do you think I look nice, though?"

"You look, gorgeous sweetie. Have a great day at school! Go get that blonde piece of meat!" She encouraged and smacked her daughter’s behind.


Marinette grabbed her tray of macarons that she baked yesterday and started walking to school. The sky was clear and she could see an aeroplane's white trail. "France is so beautiful," she thought absently. There was a light breeze and she noticed that it wasn't as cold as if normally was. The hustle and bustle of an ever-moving city was music to Marinette's ears and she closed her eyes breathed in deeply.

"MARINETTE!" She sighed and wearily opened her eyes to see Alya running towards her with an enormous grin on her face and a white bag in her hand.

"Hi, Alya. Why are you screaming now?"

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