fear for those you love

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Mrs. Harris was not well. Her head was still pounding. The customers had run off like flies, some half-dressed, after the incident with the young lady and Mr Parker. Battered clients were extremely rare in her house. The last time was at least 10 years ago.

After that eventful night, she came into her office and found Mr Howard back in her chair. He was leafing through one of her books.

"Mr. Howard, how..."

"Shut up."

Mrs. Harris' heart was pounding, she was terrified of Mr. Howard. He'd already punched more than one of her girls violently for refusing one of his perverted wishes.

"My property was stolen from me."

"I don't understand..."

"The black bitch."

"What, but..."

"A gentleman stole it from me. He came in a carriage, knew where to find us..."

A feeling of relief flooded through Mrs Harris, so Mr Parker had found and saved his ward.

"So," Mr Howard drew the word out as he slowly drew nearer, swinging a knife in his hand.

"Who is that thief?"

In Bedford Place the Parkers and the two young ladies were sitting at breakfast. Tom tried to make small talk, but nobody listened to him. Georgiana sat at the table, her hurt about Otis written all over her face, she didn't eat anything but just absent-mindedly stirred her tea. Charlotte tried to comfort her and make her eat.

Sidney was still amazed at how she put up with it all. Yes, she had a small breakdown in the night and he was glad she had come to him and hadn't made it out on her own. He still felt her tears on his skin, soaking through his shirt. When her tears had dried up, she stood leaning against him for a moment longer, then she straighted her shoulders and slowly released herself from him. She briefly stroked the wet spot on his chest as if she could just wipe away the traces of her tears. Sidney had been unable to stop himself from clasping her hand with his and squeezing it briefly. Their eyes met and her smile was embarrassed but enchanting. Of course.

"I'm sorry." she whispered.

"No. It's all right."

Charlotte seemed to want to say something more, but then held back. He loosened his grip and she slowly let her hand drop. It was like she was smoothing his shirt. The light touch still tingling on his skin when he thought about it.

Of course she felt his gaze on her. Again and again she stole a glance in his direction and caught him looking at her. A look of concern she would have understood, even the embarrassed look from last night when he had taken her back to her room. But Sidney now looked at her with a look she couldn't quite place.....similar to the cricket match when she had hit a long ball.

"When are we going back?" Georgiana suddenly asked and all eyes were on her.

"As soon as you and Miss Heywood are better," said Sidney, and his hand reached for hers, but before he could reach her, he pulled his hand back again.

"But, Sidney," cried Tom, "Babington's trying to get us to the ball from Mrs M..."

"Tom!" at the sound of Sidney's voice, Tom immediately stopped and nodded.

"Then can we pack?" Georgiana asked, turning to Charlotte.

"Of course." she said, looking only briefly at Sidney, who nodded and then stood up, too.

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