Betrayed - Part 2

Start from the beginning

"There's no point. They won't believe me, and now they definitely won't believe you."

You ignored him and began hitting the glass frantically, trying to catch someone's attention.

Eventually you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was none other than your uncle, Tony Stark.

"What is it?" he sighed.

"Look, I know you don't really trust me but you have to believe me on this." you spoke quickly, "The Chitauri might return to Earth because they want the Tesseract. And before you ask, no this isnt anything to do with Loki, the Chitauri actually mind controlled him into coming here in the first place."

"Give me one good reason I should believe you." Tony said.

"Because I fed Loki false information and knew a way he could've won but didn't tell him." you said triumphantly, sure that this would at least partially convince him.

However, he just shook his head and walked away. You stared after him defeatedly.

You sat next to Loki and stared at the opposite wall.

You didn't know, but he was looking at you out of the corner of his eye, watching how you reacted to your uncle's dismissal of the problem.

"I thought he would listen to me!" you exclaimed angrily, "But no, he never did. Not since that one mistake I made when I was younger and now no one will ever believe me. And this just makes things worse! Why did I do this?"

You jumped up and started pacing. Loki watched, looking slightly amused.

"Remind me why I did this again?" you shot at Loki.

"I don't know, but quite honestly, darling, what did you expect? To them, it looks like you've betrayed them."

You tilted your head, thinking about it.

"I know." you said finally, sitting back down, annoyed at yourself.

"What happened? When you were younger." Loki asked.

"Oh, that." you smiled ruefully, "Well, let's just say I have quite a bit of a temper, which you may have noticed. I also don't get on with people easily. Something else you may have noticed. But I do make enemies easily. And I have many. One day I made an enemy who matched my temper and genius. However, they were also one of my friend's friends. So I started coming after them, they retaliated, I went behind peoples backs, it escalated quickly. Eventually it all ended with three deaths that were all my fault. I managed to get off charges on technicalities but no one really trusted me from then. Even my friends dont really trust me."

"So you're a murderer too?"

"You could say that. What's your tragic, dangerous backstory?"

"I'm adopted and Odin decided he would hide that from me my entire life and also teach me to hate and fear frost giants before revealing that I was a frost giant. Actually he didn't really reveal it, I sort of found out by myself and then he confirmed it. Thor was also favoured the whole time and I was always in his shadow."

"That sucks." you said in reply.

You weren't sure of the time, but you were pretty certain it was getting late. Thinking about it, you realised just how tired you really were. You were going to get up and go over to one of the beds in the corners of the cell to sleep, but found yourself drifting off before you could even move.

----time skip-----

You woke up suddenly, breathing heavily after a nightmare. You moved slightly, and realised you'd fallen asleep leaning on Loki. His arm was around your shoulders and he was awake.

"Good morning, Y/n." Loki said, smiling.

You blushed and disentangled yourself from him. Just in time, as well, because the door at the top of the stairwell out of the prison cracked open and all of the avengers came down.

"We are going to ask you some questions, Y/n. Hopefully we can prove you to be as innocent as possible, but I can't promise anything due to.... past events, shall we say." Tony informed you.

"First of all, why did you do this?" Steve asked.

"I thought that maybe it would actually work and then I could get away from my old life, because if I was at the top of the food chain, so to speak, then no one would be able to question me or judge me." you replied quietly, "I did know it wasn't going to work though. I just fooled myself."

"You know that wasn't the best way to start over, right? Now you'll have even more of a problem." Bruce told you.

You rolled your eyes and nodded. Of course you knew that, you weren't stupid.

"You might be in prison a while." Natasha said, "You've spilled national secrets to a world threat."

"What I want to know is how involved she actually was." Clint spoke up.

"I only gave information before Loki even came to Earth. I didn't do anything apart from be kidnapped after that!" you said, desperate to convince them that you were not as bad as you seemed.

"She's telling the truth." Loki defended you, "She only gave information right at the start, and some of that was actually false."

"Loki must face Asgardian justice at some point." Thor said, "The security council may not like it, but that is what must happen."

They all left then, apart from Tony.

"Y/n, I really want you to get away with this. But sometimes you really don't help yourself. Probably the best we can do at this point is hope they'll allow you to be kept on house arrest here if we watch you. And that will be for a couple of years." Tony sighed, looking a little stressed.

"I didn't mean for all this to happen." you called out, as he left.

"Its my fault." Loki said, "I got you into this."

"No. Well, the actual attack is your fault, but my problems are my fault. You didn't make me help you. I did it of my own accord. And I am sorry."

Loki looked at you and then before you knew it he had pressed his lips to yours and you were kissing him back.

You pulled back, shocked but happy.

"I've wanted to do that for a while." Loki said, smirking slightly.

You smiled back and kissed him again.


Later you sat there, now alone. Loki had been taken back to Asgard for punishment and you were still in the cell. You couldn't get out for at least another month, and even after that you wouldn't be able to leave the Tower for about 2 years. You just hoped you could see Loki again.


1628 words

Part 3 yes or no?

Sorry this update took a few days, took a while to come up with an ending.

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