Chapter 4 | Bad Taste

Start from the beginning

Walking in they were immediately met with a squat, smiling witch "Hogwarts, dears?"

"Yes Madam "said Amare, carefully looking around the store.

"Got the lot of you here- another young man is being fitted right now, in fact"

Said young man stood at the back of the store with what seemed like a permanent disinterested expression. He had white hair and sharp features, and Harry was immediately reminded of all the rich kids he was forced to meet during parties.

"If you could just stand here-"

Madam Malkin slipped a long robe over Harry's head and began to pin it to the right length. Amare sat down on a stool nearby waiting her turn.

"Hello "said the boy "you two are going to Hogwarts too?"

They both nodded.

"well, my Father" Harry did not like the way he said that, as if he was speaking about the most important person in the world "is next door buying my books and mother's up the street looking at wands" Amare raised an eyebrow, " I'm going to drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own. I think I will bully my father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow."

Harry looked at him, squinting.

"Have you got your own broom?"


"Do you play-


"Well I do- My father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my house" only years of practice stopped the girl from rolling her eyes- was he really that blind to his surroundings?" and I must say, I agree. Know what House you'll be in yet?"

"No, but please, do enlighten me"

"Well..." he seemed to have caught on to the mood in the room, "no one really knows until they get there..." he voice was getting quitter as he went and Harry began smirking" I know I will be in Slytherin-"

"Slytherin?" it slipped before Harry could stop it. Slytherin? But that's one of his surnames! He looked at Amare and saw her deep in thought. He had to buy some history books before he embarrasses himself.

The boy, on the other hand seemed delighted to have finally caught Harry's attention, completely missing his tone.

"Well yes, all my family has been- what are you, a Hufflepuff or something, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

Amare looked up at him, her pretty face blank from expression "Would you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Would you really leave?"

Looking at the ground, his faced turned slightly red "well, I mean... uh-"

"Don't say things you don't really mean, it can leave a bad taste" she once again lost interest and resumed staring at the different fabrics, fascinated by the needles, which moved by themselves.

"There you go dear" Harry stepped down from the stool, "now if you could come here..."

Amare, just like Harry, begun being fitted. The concept wasn't new to her, of course, since most of her clothes were custom made.

The few minutes of silence were apparently enough for the boy, who now chose to look strictly at Harry, taking offence to the girl's previous statement.

"So are your parents here?"


"My Father would have-"

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