Part Twenty-Four

415 11 0

July 15th



"Are you ready?" Harry asked.

"Oreo's not here yet." I said.

Almost a month ago, I had given birth via c-section to Harry and I's firstborn. A boy we named Alec Orion Sykes. I didn't call my son Alec much. I liked Oreo. His nickname which he was keeping. He wasn't getting a choice with me. He was my Oreo.

"Right. I keep forgetting we have him now." Harry said.

I frowned at that.

"I mean because he's new. Just last month at this time he wasn't here." Harry said.

"It's incredible." I said.

Harry nodded and sat down on my hospital bed next to me wrapping his arm carefully around me. I had a bandage around my stomach. Doctor David said he'd take it off soon, but no specific date.

I've been able to move on my own since last week, but only to the bathroom and back. It felt sore still, but Doctor David said that was to be expected.

My eyes moved over to the door where noise was heard upon the other side. Harry followed my eyes and stood. He walked over in front of the bed to open the door, but the visitor let himself and his guests in.

"David, what is this?" I asked.

In came the graying doctor with a couple of nurses, Harry's home bodyguards, and a nurse holding a carrier with Oreo wrapped up inside. Harry went towards her first and she handed him our son's holder.

"Your ticket home." Doctor David said.

Harry brought Oreo over to me and placed him next me, turning his back to look at Doctor David.

"We already knew he was going home. They are going home. What are they doing here? Along with a wheelchair?" Harry asked.

"It's for me isn't it." I said.

My voice came out in total disgust, memories of how the boys pushed me through the airport flooded back in.

"You didn't expect me to allow you to walk out, did you?" Doctor David asked speaking to me.

I looked down at Oreo. The baby slept only moving to breathe and snuggle with his blanket. He was finally a six pounder now, but still tiny.

"People will see him. Alec....." Harry said.

"No see. I've planned this all out lad. See Nathan's going to sit on the wheelchair holding Alec in his arms. I'll be pushing Nathan and your body guards will surround us so that Alec and Nathan can get in the van." Doctor David said.

"What about me?" Harry asked.

"You will be guiding the herd." Doctor David said.

"Are they still out there?" Harry asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"Paparazzi. Not just fans." Harry said.

"Maybe we should wait until night." I said.

"I considered that last night. They don't leave. They trade places. Their waiting for you to come out." Doctor David said.

"What happens if someone does catch sight if Alec?" I asked.

I picked up Oreo out of his carrier and held him close. Oreo didn't struggle at all, but reached one balled fist up to my chest.

"That won't happen." The guard I've come familiar with said.

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