Part Twenty-Three

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Chose one middle name. I liked all ideas, but one caught my eye the most.

June 28th



Harry had to leave again for his tour. He tried to stay, but I made him leave. I knew how disappointed his fans would be if he wasn't there. I also made Jay leave seeing as the crappy hospital chair made him look more dead than alive.

Oreo and I were being kept here for a little while longer. Dr. David and his team decided to keep both of us longer since we both survived. I put up a fight along with Harry to have Alec in my room. I didn't want him somewhere where I couldn't see or reach him. He now slept next to me in a small baby box.

My visitors today included my sister, my mom, Harry's sister, Harry's mom and dad, and Max. No idea why Max was coming back since he already met Alec.

The door opened revealing Dr. David. He made many appearances during the day checking over the two of us. He checked over a sleeping Alec first. Alec's eyes opened and he made a strange face. He started crying not liking being woken up. My first instinct was to get to him, but moving so fast hurt my stitches.

"Don't move." Dr. David said. He held Alec and rocked. The tiny child's cries stopped, but he stayed awake. That was the first time I've heard a cry come from Alec. It was softer, quieter in comparison to other babies.

I leaned back on my bed awaiting the doctor to finish. Once finished, he handed me my son and checked me over.

"Dr. David?" I asked. He looked up allowing me his full attention.

"Alec's cry...was so..-" I couldn't find a word to use.

"Quiet? Yes I know. He's cried before. His lungs aren't fully developed." Dr. David said.

"Why? He's cried before and you didn't tell us?" I asked.

"Whenever I give him a small cleaning. He doesn't like it. He's a premature baby, his lungs were still growing when he was born. As long as he doesn't catch any lung infections he should be fine. I'll tell you more about it when Harry arrives back." Dr. David explained. I nodded cradling Alec to me.

He stared at me for a couple minutes. We didn't break eye contact until Dr. David cleared his throat. I looked up at him now giving him my attention.

"I came in to check on the both of you because your guests have arrived. Should I send them up or do you want to be alone?" Dr. David asked.

"Is Max with them?" I asked. We had a couple situations where people would try to sneak in. People claiming to be family.

Yesterday was the worst. A woman, claiming to be my own mother tried to sneak in. She almost got in, but Dr. David had questioned her enough she lost her cover. A reporter. She was so close. So close to unravel Alec and I.

Upon hearing this, Harry made strict rules. Two of his most trusted home security guards who knew about me were assigned to the front door to the room Alec and I were in. Pictures of guests allowed to visit were given to the front desk. After getting past the pictures, guests had to answer a question the guards had. I knew the question and the correct answer was "Oreo." Family and friends with knowledge of Alec were told the answer. After the picture and answer test, guests were allowed in.

"Yes." Dr. David said.

"Just in case....have them answer the question." I said. I was being cautious.  No one was going to see Alec. No one was going to take him away from me.

"Of course." Dr. David said. He walked out of the room leaving the the two of us. I looked down at Alec again, his eyes still on mine. It felt, as if, I were looking at Harry. Alec's eyes were green, not blue-green nor hazel-green. They were only green taking the green colour out of Harry and I. They weren't dark, but they weren't light. They were somewhere in the middle of green.

Hathan Stykes (m-preg)Where stories live. Discover now