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you guys are literally the sweetest people ever☺️ i won't end the story, thanks for supporting the story❤️

3 months later
Nikki looked in the window, snow falling down onto the ground. It reminded her of the day when the car accident happened. She missed John. She had only seen Brie 6 times in 3 months. Brie was happily with Daniel, moved on from Kofi. Katie, well Katie hadn't called Nikki since the day she left John.

"Want some coffee honey?" Nikki's mom smiled from the door.

"Sure," Nikki nodded. "Thanks mom."

"I want you to go back to work, this isn't a good environment for you honey."

"This is a good environment, it's quiet." Nikki counted the snowflakes falling down outside, in her head.

"Nicole," Nikki's mom sat next to Nikki. "I know you miss him."

"He's better without me mom."
A tear stained her cheek as she turned away from her mom.

"Nicole, I think we both know that's a lie. Call him, please." She gave her hand a squeeze.

Nikki looked at her phone, biting her lip. She sighed, grabbing her phone. As she slowly dialed the familar numbers, Nikki tapped her foot.

"Hello?" Brie laughed into the phone.

"Brie? Why are you on John's phone."

"Wait Nikki?" Brie gasped.

"Yeah," Nikki said. "Answer my question."

There was shifting in the background.

"Look don't get upset. Daniel and I are having a Christmas party."

"Christmas is in 10 weeks Brie." Nikki rolled her eyes.

"I know, we were just in the mood. Well we wanted to see John."

"Does he have a date?" Nikki bit her lip.

"No Nikki," Brie sighed. "You need to come home."

"Brianna, you know I can't do that."

"Nikki, I miss you," Brie choked. "I need my sister, John needs his girl."
Nikki started to cry, after her sister said that. She missed her too.

"I-I have to go." Nikki sniffed.


"Brie who is that on the phone?" John's voice said in the background.

"My mom." Brie lied.

"Oh," He said disappointed. "Tell her I can't get the phone because my hands are messy."

"I can't keep lying Nikki." Brie whispered. "You need to stop running away from your problems."

Nikki was about to speak but Brie hung up. She sighed, getting up and getting her suitcase. She needed to stop running away from problems like Brie said.

"Mom, I'm leaving," Nikki said, with her suitcase.

"That's my Nicole!" Her mom laughed.

1 week later

As Nikki drove around the familar streets of her neighborhood she smiled. She was excited to see John. But she was scared to see his reaction. She waited 5 days to do this.

Nikki parked the car, her heels clinking as she walked up to the porch.

"Yeah I'm on way dad!" John laughed, opening the door.

"Hey," Nikki smiled.

John's eyes grew wide when he saw the love of his life.

"I'll call you back dad," He hung up.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He said.

"Please just kiss me," Nikki bit her lip. "I don't know if you hate me for just leaving and breaking my promise of calling you. I'll know you don't if you just kiss me."

John just stared at Nikki in disbelief. Here standing in front of him was a woman he wanted to just yell at but kiss her at the same time.

"You know," John sighed. "I knew all those times Brie said that you were her mom when she would talk on the phone it was really you. I would cry Nicole because I thought you hated me and that you would never come back."

"I know and I'm sorry!"

"You say sorry way too many times. I do too."

"Please," Nikki whispered.

John sighed, hugging her. She cried in happiness kissing his cheek.

"I love you," they said together.

5 weeks later

"Nicole are you ready to go out?" John yelled, fixing his tye.

"Don't rush me!" Nikki laughed, applying mascara on her eyelashes.

Tonight John and Nikki were meeting Daniel and Brie for dinner and then movie and pajama night.

John and Nikki both knew that Katie had been released from jail last week. But they decided to just simply not talk about it.

"I'll just start the car!" John sighed. "Our pajamas are already in the car."

When Nikki was finished she grabbed her clutch, walking downstairs. The water from the sink was dripping and the sound of television was heard.

"John why don't you ever turn the tv off?" Nikki rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to get you!" The woman on the television laughed.

Spooked out, Nikki hurried to the remote turning it off.

"John?" Nikki yelled.

It was completely dark and Nikki didn't see the car's light (the both of them owned) blinding the window.

"If this is one of you sex games make it wait! We are already late!"

Nikki walked to the garage door but fell.

She tripped on something. Nikki used her hands to stand up but screamed when she felt something wet on them. Nikki grabbed her purse crying, searching for her phone. Using the brightness she looked at her hands, screaming.

It. Was. Blood.

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