Final Countdown

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"Golden Experience!" I say and go after him but he dodged GE punch

He continues to under GE and punch me in the gut

I stumbled back but I'd refocus try to starts conversation to stall him

"What do you want!" I say

" I'm testing you"

"For what, I don't need to be tested I know what I need to know and I don't need you to show what to do" I reply

"Have you every heard the saying stand users attract stand user"

"Well, no" what is he talking about

"Listen closely I'll only use my stands limbs and won't summon him fully nor use my ability at least not yet"

"Don't look down on me even if it's a test old man" sheesh he's getting me mad

"Listen closely I shall jab he four times on each side of the ribs then right hook you than left final an uppercut for fun"

"What does that me-?" He charged and he is fast is it because his stand

GE tried to punched him but he went under it and jabs over and over in the ribs

I try to to push him off and think what's next but a fist hits me across my right check

Next hit left hook

I put my arms up to block it and he hits my arms it hurts a bit but his right fist uppercuts my chin and I started to fall

"Ahh!, how strong is your stand also your speed"

"Good job at listening but next time keep your cool if your going to be a hero you must keep your cool unlike Endeavor, look at home he is always hot, never mind that names is Hiroto Kira you may call me Kira-sensei, shall be helping you to improve your stand abilities and fighting style"

What does that mean who is this guy and how does he know my name and those punches hurt like hell god am I still bleeding

"How do you know my name?" I ask

"Well I saw the news report a kid stabbed himself with a golden arrow and survived and saw your name and saw you practicing with your stand and let me tell you something my stand is really slow but I am fast... I fixed my stands fighting style to mine so I help myself to find a way to have my stands strength while also be fast"

"I heard the name of your stand is Golden Experience, my stand is called The Final Countdown"

He fully summoned his stand his stand Looks black and white with checkered white and cloth hanging from his waist and he has no next but a trapezoid shaped head

He fully summoned his stand his stand Looks black and white with checkered white and cloth hanging from his waist and he has no next but a trapezoid shaped head

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We talk for a talked a little more and then he told me to meet him at my training spot

So I went to the train and went home

As I got home mom said "how was it"

I replied with "it was yes and I'm just tired also in need more practice for tomorrow"


I woke up used the restroom, ate breakfast an left to the beach

As soon as I got there Kira was there I wonder what we're gonna do today

"Midoryia let me tell you something about me .... Final Countdown is reall strong and has a lot of precision and durability and it's slow but I made for that with my own speed, you see I mostly use his arms for my boxing, I'm telling you this because your stand is versatile and you need that to abuse it and win the mind games and the small battles if you don't even if your like All Might you'll lose and let me tell you this All Might can do that but can YOU do that"

I stood there thinking can I do that

"Kira-Sensei, I am Izuku Midoryia and my dream is too be a Hero-Star and of course I can do it"

If I am going to be a star I need to win those battles

"Also Kira-Sensei what's with the black shirt and pants with hat black trench coat, the temperatures are high today"

"Listen Midoryia it's logic that if you look cool your are cool and everything is in clothing because my usually people looks at the cover of a book, take that to heart"

What does that mean?

"Ready Midoryia "


We both rush at each other to fight I'll keep his "wisdom" to heart

Watch out U.A. here I come

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