Time to train

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I went down to beach to see what Golden Experience can do, what are his powers if he had any

I summoned Golden Experience and made him attack some debris and it seems it isn't that strong maybe strong as a average persons punch or a little more than that

I let it continue to punch it and I think of a snake for some reason and next punch turn the a piece of debris into a snake

What is happen is it Golden Experience power turnt hints into snakes but that doesn't make sense because that's a useless power

I got it Golden Experience keep attacking turn it into a beetle

The piece of debris starts shifting its form and turns into a beetle

Can it turn anything into animals or is there something else

I see a man sleeping he seems to be homeless, hmm I got a great idea punch with Golden Experience and see what happens

Golden Experience materializes out of me and proceeds to punch him and he wakes up

"Oi this is not a place to sleep" I say the man stood for a second and start to run away

I went back to the beach and open my notebook
and start to write about Golden Experience's power

Golden Experience
-can punch really fast

- punches a little above of an average man

- can turn objects into animals or Just turn any non-living thing into animals

If that's true that mean Golden Experience can give life to any non living thing

It's possibilities are endless maybe it can make organs for like a heart transplant

Golden Experience punch's a rock it's starts to turn to ia heart

"GROSS STOP TURN IT BACK TO A ROCK" I scream ok so that can happen then I should be able to heal my wounds right?

I cut my arm with a rocks and Golden Experience healed it with rocks from the ground, that is interest
I open the notebook again and fixes the page

Golden Experience

-can give life to objects

- can make animals of objects

-can heal wounds even bad wounds

I close my book and keep testing it while I keep studying for the exams in U.A. and keep seeing what Golden Experience can do


It's time for the exam I grab clothes and left my home I started walk to the train station

U.A wasn't far but it was far enough that I had to take the train

I don't want to interact with who know me because they start asking questions I need a excuse for why and how I got a "quirk"

I got it!

I always had but it seemed it couldn't activate because of joint and through sheer will and trying not to die from the arrow that stabbed me(my fault)

And left no wound on me and healed as well I got my chest because of it

I continue to walk towards U.A and I continue to walk forward and I feel I was supposed to trip or something and took a sit for the written exam

After a while the written exam was over we all took sits I took a sit next to Kac- Kasuki and sat there and wait for the speech by Present Mike to be over but this annoying kid got yup questioned U.A. if they got the right pamphlet right and Present Mike replies with "he was getting their and think of it as an obstacle that gets in your way but that all for now go out there and Plus Ultra"

I am ready to pass or I trained for nothing

Izuku's Golden Heart (Hiatus)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt