"Come on, you're coming with me." I said determinedly and pulled him by the sleeve across the path to my house.

He didn't even fight back, he just followed me. There was no light in my room. I sighed briefly. So they're on their way again...

I unlocked the door and pulled Minjae inside, closed the door and looked at him. "Go sit in the living room." I said.

"But-" I shook my head. "No buts! Come on!" He laughed briefly and then nodded as he went into the living room.

I went into the bathroom and got our first aid kit from the closet, and then went into the living room. When he saw the first aid kit, he shook his head slightly.

"Nara this isn't necessary..." he muttered. "Yes, it is." I said, crouching down in front of him. "May I?" I asked and he nodded slightly.

I swallowed briefly and opened the box. Why am I nervous?


Minjae POV

She took a cotton ball, disinfectant and tweezers out of the box and looked at me again briefly.

Then she put disinfectant on the piece of cotton wool and came closer and closer to my face. Somehow I became nervous now.

With her left, rather small hand she grabbed my chin and with the other hand she disinfected the wound on my lip.

Since it was burning, I hissed briefly because of the pain.

"Excuse me." she said quietly and looked at me briefly with a caring look. I only smiled slightly. "It's okay." I said.

She kept going, and it was on pretty good, but at least she did it right. Yoona was supposed to tend to my wounds then, and she did nothing of the sort.

Instead, I went to the hospital room and they took care of my knees.

Nara had a bandage in her hand by now and carefully stuck it over the rather small wound.  "I hope I'm doing it right." she muttered.

"I'm sure you will." I said confidently and smiled as she blushed slightly.

She has a hard skin, but a soft core. I've noticed that this week. And she's really nice. If I had somehow not thought of her.

Then she sighed briefly. "May I please also look at your belly?" she asked me and I looked at her briefly with big eyes.

Then I hardly nodded noticeably and Nara pulled up my sweater slightly. "Ouch..." she muttered and took some ointment from the box. She got a little on her hand.

Then she carefully smeared ointment over the stains, which I now saw, a really expensive ointment over them.

She was very gentle, so it didn't hurt that much.

When she was finished she packed the things together. "Let the ointment soak in for a moment." Nara said and disappeared for a moment before she came back without the box.

I sighed briefly and then took my sweater on again. Nara sat down next to me again and looked at me again from top to bottom.

"Are you all right?" she asked. I smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." I said and she smiled briefly. "You're welcome." I got up and wanted to leave, so she held me back by my sleeve.

"Stay. Please." Nara said and I was surprised.  Had she just seriously told me to please stay with her?

I looked at her and her look was slightly pleading.

Could she be afraid? I've never met or seen her parents before. "You can sleep in my room and I'll sleep here on the couch."

I laughed slightly. "No, you can sleep in your bed, it's okay." I said with a smile and sat back down with her on the couch.

"We can watch another film." I suggested with a grin, I thought she was smiling slightly.  "Sure." she said and turned on the TV.

Before that she fetched another blanket, as it was getting fresh, and covered us both, as the blanket is quite big, before we decided who would choose the film.

We watched the film she had chosen.  However, I noticed she was getting tired and looked at her with a smile for a moment.

Cute, the way she sits there so sleepy.

I continued watching the film when I suddenly felt something heavy on my shoulder.

I knew immediately what it was, though. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nara's head.

Her hair lightly tickled my cheek and I smiled, but I also noticed how the tiredness attacked me and leaned my head slightly against hers.

Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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