The Beginning... CHAPTER 1

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“MUM! I TOLD YOU IM NOT MOVING TO ADELAIDE! IT’S TO FAR AWAY! Can’t we just move somewhere closer to where we are now?” I cry.

“Jordy, I know things might be hard for you now and all but you need to trust me. I’m your mother and I’d never make a bad decision for you or I will never let you down.” 

My parents split up three days ago and trust me am I glad it’s the holidays otherwise if I were at school I’d be copping everyone’s fake sympathy shit just so they know the full story and then they’d all go and start bitching about it, but there’s a down side to that, only 2 more sleeps till holidays are over. It’s been so hard and rough for me and I have had no one to talk to, well I do my best friend Maddy. The thing is I don’t know how to tell her, I know she will be off and away with the questions but I know she won’t bitch about me, she’s an angel. I trust her with my life and I don’t know how I’d pull through everything without her.

That night mum starts packing up her things in her and dads now I should say ‘old’ room while dad is staying in a motel till we get our things together and leave. After that he will be back at home in no time. I feel sorry for him though, I don’t want to leave him because he has no one here. No family, no friends, his boss isn’t that much of a top bloke so I doubt that dad would want to be friends with him. Dad says he’s staying here even if he doesn’t have family because his getting a raise in his job in a week or two. At least hopefully he will be earning more so he could buy a few fluffy friends, like a dog or a cat.

At about 3am after mum had fallen asleep while she was sticky taping the top of the moving boxes together, I hurt myself…On purpose. I was ropable, absolutely balling my eyes out wanting to hurt myself even more and more! But then I stopped and thought about what Maddy would say. I called her up, still sniffling and wiping away my tears while my throat was still sore from all the crying. 

“JORDY! WHATS WRONG! WHO DID THIS TO YOU? Don’t tell me it’s some stupid boy trouble? Because if it is it’s a waste of time and you’re wasting my beauty sleep, you can get better than any other douche.” 

“Maddy, can I please come over and stay the night?” I say as I was packing my bags.

“Are you stupid? It’s like 3am! How are you going to get here? My parents would not only kill me for letting you in but kill you as well! You know what their like!” she says in a moody tone.

I say softly “my parents broke up 3 nights ago…” It goes quiet for a few seconds.

“Oh hun, I’m so sorry for yelling. Please forgive me? Are you okay? Why did they break up? Who are you staying with?”

the questions just keep on coming and coming but I zone out and I think about dad being alone or mum being happy with family. I was so lost and confused.

I start to mumble “don’t worry, I won’t run away. I just want to sleep, that’s all I need as I haven’t slept for the last 3 nights because of this.” 

We both said good night and she asked if I could promise her that I’d never leave her or never hurt myself because of it. I looked at my wrists and thought it was before this phone call not after… So I said I promise. 

*beep* we both hung up..

There was only one person I wanted to talk to though and that was daddy, I know that he wouldn’t ask any questions or anything. So I called him at about 3:15am and told him everything that was on my mind. He kept telling me that he would buy me plane tickets for me and a friend or two to come up and see him and sometimes just tickets for me. He explained everything so well and he told me that I should go with mum. So that was my final decision, I was going with mum. 

After the phone call I had a quick show

er, got into my comfy pj’s and warm socks then I climbed into bed and turned my lamp off and I had success with sleeping for the first time in 3 days. 




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