Chapter 2

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(sorry if you don't like the outfit)

Your POV

Most of the time I go out I see the three boys, although me and boomer haven't talked since his brothers keep dragging him away. I still don't know the red hat boys name but it's been a week since I moved here. I got close with Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. I learned that they find the rowdeyruff boys annoying, so I don't know if I should tell them that I kinda like boomer. He seems sweet and I love his blue eyes. He looks so cute when he smiles. I put on an outfit then walked to the park and I see Boomer but this time he isn't with his brothers so I decided to go up to him. "Hey Boomie" I say while blushing. "huh? oh hey (y/n), did you say Boomie?" he said. "y-yeah I hope you don't mind" I replied. he smiled and said "I think it's cute" he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer "especially  since it's coming from you" he smirked. my face was so red I didn't know what to say. The red hate boy ran up to us and said, "hey boomer stop playing around let's go" Boomer replied with, "aright Brick I'll be their in a little bit." Brick ran back to Butch then Boomer kissed my cheek and said "until next time" he said it in such a flirty way. he ran to Brick and Butch. I can't believe that he kissed me on the cheek, I was so happy that I wanted to tell the girls but I couldn't because I didn't know what they would say or if they would still want to be my friend. I should just tell them right? They're going to end up finding out either way. I went to Professor Utonium's place that's where they normally hang out. I rang the door bell and Ken opened. "oh hey Ken are the girls here?" I asked "oh not yet but they are coming back any minute. If you like you can wait inside" he said, I smiled and said "yeah thanks" I went inside and sat down. Puchi ran to me and jumped on my lap, I said "aww you're so cute" "thanks" he replied. I was shocked because I didn't know he knew how to talk "y-you can talk?" I asked "Oh yeah" he said. I played catch with Puchi and then I looked out the window, I saw the Powerpuff girls z. I was confused why they were here but then I saw them detransform. "k-ken they're the p-powerpuff girls?!" I yelled. "uh... yeah I didn't think you would see them, please don't tell anyone" o-oh okay" They went inside and Ken told them how I saw them. We talked and got closer, but now I have to tell them about Boomer...


Thanks for reading! follow my instagram uhhfuckkyou

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