How You Met

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Liam~ You were taking a walk when he accidentally bumped into you; making you almost fall face-forward but he caught you and apologized. You talked to him for a while, later you gave him your number and he called you that night, asking you on a date. 

Niall~ You were in Nandos with some friends. You and your friends finished your food so you decided to take the trash and throw it away. You threw it into the trashcan, but as you turned around you almost bumped into him. He was standing behind you; so that he could throw his trash away. You quickly apologized and started walking away. Later you noticed he had slipped a paper into your pocket with his number on it and a little note that said "Call me? ~Niall" Later you called him and talked for a while. Then after that he asked you on a date. 

Zayn~  You were friends with his sister, Doniya, and she invited you over to her house for a while to study. She introduced you to Zayn, whom you became good friends with and later he asked you on a date. 

Louis~ Louis was one of your brother's friends. He came over one weekend when you were visiting your brother and well, while your brother was in the bathroom, Louis asked you for your number and you gave it to him. Later that night he texted you and asked you on a date. 

Harry~ He was in most of your 7th grade classes. English, Pre-Algebra, Science, Social Studies, ect. You had a group project to do and he was in your group so everyone in your group decided to meet up at your house to talk about the project. You guys ended up playing Truth Or Dare where you were dared to kiss Harry. Later on you became best friends with Hazza.


ER MY GERD! That was like adorable! and 2 updates in one day! wooop! I guess it's because I feel bad.... Lol I hope you enjoyed!


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