Chapter 2

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Narrator's POV:

Kehlani and "Fayzo" drive in a comfortable silence and the fact that Kehlani had fallen asleep not too long after she was picked up probably had something to do with it. Fayzo went about his business as if she wasn't even there, until she started to wake up.

Kehlani wakes up and is momentarily taken back by her unfamiliar surroundings. After a few seconds she remembers what had happened earlier on that night which was a lot longer ago than she thought. She looks out of the window. The car is parked in a very unfamiliar area. She looks to her left to see Fayzo counting a shit ton of money. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and reads the time. 3:00am?!?

"Oh my fucking God! What the hell? Do you know what time it is!?!"

Fayzo hears her but pays her no mind.

"I know you can fucking hear me. Take me back to my damn house right now."

This catches his attention.

" who da fuck you think you is yelling at me in my own damn car?"

"It is 3am my nigga! You said you were going to drive around my block or something then take me back home. This is not my fucking house!"

He starts laughing at her still not looking at her.

"Word to my mother you got me mad tight my nigga."

"What you gon do? Pipe down shorty."

Kehlani opens his car door and walks out of the car.

Fayzo's POV:

Shit. This is the last place she wanna be walking at this late. I walk out my car and try to get her back in my car.
"Aight aight imma take you home."

" Fuck you nigga. I'm walking home."

"Come on you don't wanna be walking out here alone. We mad far from ya place anyway."

She stops dead in her tracks. She turns around and starts running towards me. Finally. I start walking back to my car and -SLAP- shorty hit me upside my head and she didn't stop. I let her and waited till she got tiered but she never got fucking tired!

I grab her arm and push her a good couple feet away from me.

She opens her mouth to say something when I hear "YER! You know where you at cuz". Shit. I make eye contact with Kehlani and motion for her to get in the car.

"Oh is that ya bitch" the guy says walking closer to where I'm at.

" Watch out bro. We boutta leave don't trip"

Kehlani's POV:

Fayzo told me to get in the car and I did. Some guy from across the street came over to where he was and they started taking. It was so dark I could barley see what was going on.

Some minutes had passed by and I stared getting a little nervous. The anger I had not too long ago was no where to be found and I just wanted to be at home in my bed watching rick and morty. The driver side door swings open and Fayzo gets into the car. Thank God. I try to read his face but there's nothing to read. He opens maps on his phone and my address pops up. He starts the car and I already know this is going to go be a very awkward ride.

Neither of us say anything for a majority of the car ride. Then he says " You owe me moe. You owe me big time" what the hell is that supposed to mean.

"If you would have stuck to our original plan-

" There was no fucking plan to stick to! Our "plan" was that you could smoke in my car and I would take care of my shit. That's it. But Your naive ass almost got both of us caught up."

"How? What happened?"

"You shouldn't have left my car"

" you should have taken me home when I asked you to-

"Nigga! Who took time out of they night to pick up yo ass potentially fucking up they hustle? Me. Who's gas we using up? Mine. Who brought you wrapping papers? Me. Who gave you a lighter-

" oh my god. Ok I get it. Sorry."


"I said I get it"

"Nah after that"

"Are you deadass"

"I'll pull over right now nigga"

I roll my eyes

"I'm. Sorry."

"You good but you still owe me"

"What does that mean"

"You'll see" he says as he parks down the street from my house the same place he had picked me up from. I grab my phone and walk out of his car.

"Thanks for the ride plus that little extra trip you decided to add in"

"don't start now nigga. Get out of my face man"

I walk to my house and he drives off. After a good 8 minutes of me struggling to use every muscle in my body to open up my window, it finally does and I throw myself through it and on to my floor.

As I lay on my clothing infested floor, i playback the events of tonight or morning? Oh shit! My weed! Oh, it's in my pocket. I put it in a shoe box I keep in the back of my closet and put all of my clothes In a laundry basket.

Completely butt ass naked, I crawl into my bed and pass the fuck out.

Fayzo's POV:
I walk into my house. No sign of my moms. Nothing new though. I take out the stack of money from my pocket and lay it down on my desk. I made about 500 tonight and I'm gon make a lot more once I get shorty to do a lil something for me.

I hop in the shower. I try vibing to the music I got playing but I can't. I can't stop thinking bout her. I can't stop thinking bout tonight. Why did I even offer to take her wit me. I almost got caught up cause of shorty but it's just sum bout her

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