"My grandmother liked to write stories as a hobby, she wrote some novels and stories in her empty notebooks and this is one of them. I have most of her books ad when I have the time read them. This one is about a musician finding his escape from the sadness surrounding him as his parents wanted him to become a doctor. In an old village somewhere in Sicilia, there he meets this poor and uneducated young woman. She wasn't considered attractive by the men in the village and nobody wanted to marry her.

Yet, she stays positive and joyful and the musician falls in love with her at first sight. Such a cheesy story but my grandmother knew how to make such a concept entertaining. She would write such stories here and there and she even wrote a story where I was the protagonist-" he chuckles "- It was really weird to read but she made me look like a pretty cool guy..."  Then he stops talking for a few seconds.

"Sorry, I was rambling" He apologises but you shake your head and give him reassuring smile, "You can talk to me any time, I don't mind. Your grandma was sure quite the neat person." You reassure him and he nods then you both stay silent from there, but it wasn't awkward, by any means, you felt safe and you closed your eyes, leaning more into the couch and you let your mind wander in a relaxing place as you listened to the rain.

Fugo kept on reading, seemingly chill as ever.

You have no idea how much time has passed but at some point, you hear footsteps and you open your eyes, glancing towards the source of the sound and you see someone looking back at you, you almost jump as those dark eyes stare at you but you realise that it's just Risotto. You nod in acknowledgement as he walks towards the couch that's facing the one you're sitting on.

Fugo also gives a nod then continues what he was doing.

"Goodmorning" You whisper, almost not wanting to be heard by Risotto. He glances at you and nods, "You should rest, we have work to do, it's still five in the morning." he says, oddly sounding soft yet commanding none the less, like he wasn't trying to be the leader here.

"Yeah... Maybe, I should go back and try to sleep a bit more," You say as you stand up and pat Fugo's shoulder, he looks up to you and smiles, you smile back then wave to Risotto who doesn't do anything in return then you head up the stairs.

As you walk back, You hear a sudden thud and a groan coming from Ghiaccio and Melone's room, Ghiaccio probably fell from the bed and the thought made you giggle. But you then hear another thud, but this time it came from Bruno's room, it seemed that this time something like a container with pens fell and then you heard the sound of a chair being pulled and then some stuff being collected back into said container.

Why is everyone awake this early?

You thought of just going back to your from but something told you to check o Bruno, you weren't sure of why but you were suddenly worried.

Bruno has acted normal, as usual towards you but still, you didn't take the time to wonder how he's doing after all the trouble he's currently going through and the Abbacchio subject.

When you used to watch him in the anime, not once have you seen him break down from all the pressure, is he that careless?

That's not an option, Bruno is overly caring to everyone he meets, even strangers and that's how he gained everyone's respect. So... just how?

He's human after all, not a fictional character anymore.

You stand in front of his room and make your hand into a gentle fist, knocking two times followed by softly calling him.

"Bruno? Are you awake?" you call.

Hearing a sigh followed by sloppy footsteps, you see Bruno opening the door, seemingly surprised when he sees you. Did he not recognise your voice? Might be because he's tired.

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