The man that i now know as Joe stepped over to us as he holstered his gun. He held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

Annelise elbowed me in the stomach. I reached out my hand shaking his. "It's nice to meet you too."

Max walked past us straight into Lauren's room. "And that was Max, Lauren's boyfriend."

I leaned next to Annelise's ear. She shivered against me. I smirked. "The alarm's new."

"Joe installed it," she replied. "I told you my mom is in one of her moods." i nodded. I kissed under her ear. Joe glared. I smirked. "Joe, if you'll excuse us," Annelise said, pulling me past Joe and to her bedroom.

The moment the door was closed behind us, i pressed Annelise against the door. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Don't think you're gonna get a kiss until you explain."

She pouted. "There's nothing to explain. My mom is scared for my safety and she sent someone she trusts to watch over me. It'll pass. I don't get while you're denying me kisses."

"Because a man i don't know came from your room." i looked over her shoulder and growled. "And your bed is clearly recently slept in so i swear if you're sleeping with him-"

"eww," she said. "He's practically like my dad."

I stepped away from her. "I still don't like it." she rolled her eyes. "And i definitely don't like the eye rolling."

She stepped over to me. She leaned up and pecked my lips. "We both love it when i'm like this." She turned around only to get a swat on her ass. I smirked at the little jiggle and at the annoyed expression she got. "Be good okay?"

"I'll try."

She smiled. She walked out of her bedroom. Max, Lauren, and Joe were talking around the island counter. I walked over to stand beside Max. "Joe take off your shirt." Annelise ordered. "I'm getting my sharpies, i have an idea."

He chuckled doing as she said. she walked into her bedroom. "Fuck you're hot," said Lauren openly staring at his now bare chest.

"Stop looking," growled Max, covering Lauren's eyes.

"Nice tattoo," i said looking at the forearm tattoo he had of a girl shushing with a clock covering her face.

"It's cool isn't it? Annelise drew it when she was ten."

"Damn really?"

He nodded. "It used to be just me and her a lot so I'd let her draw on me with a sharpie when she was bored. One day she drew for hours and this was pretty much the final product. She then drew it on a piece of paper. The next day I got it tattooed."

She walked back in. "I had an idea for the rest of your shoulder."

She straddled his lap. He chuckled. He wrapped his arm around her waist. She was pressed fully against him. "You're getting a little big to sit on my lap like this."

"I'm not even that heavy," she said. My hands formed tight fists against my sides.

"Hey boys will you help me move around some stuff in my room?" Asked Lauren. She grabbed both Max and my hands and walked us into her bedroom. She sat me down. She grabbed my face in her hands. "He's just her bodyguard, he has been since she was little."

"I know."

She leaned down kissing my cheek. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. "Cool down in here okay? But don't break anything."

I nodded. She left the room. Max grabbed her rolling chair and pulled it to sit in front of me. "They aren't flirting."

"She's straddling his lap," i growled, my anger returning. "His dick is against her fucking pussy and she doesn't even care."

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