Everyone could feel the anger radiating off of Damian, but he keeps his expression stoic. "Yes, Father."

Bruce eyes him for a moment, buying the subtle lie Damian told before walking away with his briefcase in hand.

In an attempt to not lash his anger on anyone,  Damian grabs a slice of toast and leaves the kitchen.

"Damian, wait," Dick sighs before following his younger brother out of the kitchen.

Alfred sighs at the situation at hand before looking over at Titus. "I fear another outburst might erupt from Master Damian if Master Bruce keeps this up." Titus lets out a little whine.

"Damian!" Dick calls out as Damian makes his way to the Batcave to release his anger. The two pass the family portrait. He grabs his shoulder, forcing Damian to push Dick away.

"I'm fine," Damian grumbles, making Dick raise a brow.

"Yeah, you seem fine," he scoffs. "It's okay to be angry, D."

"I'm not angry," Damian snaps. He inwardly scolds himself for the badly-said lie. "I want to train. Can I go do that without you constantly trying to be my therapist?"

"That wouldn't be a bad idea; a therapist, I mean." Damian rolls his eyes at the suggestion made too many times by Dick.

Even if he wanted to, it's not like he can. What's he gonna do, endanger someone's life by revealing the family secret just so he can talk about the anger issues he doesn't have?

No, of course he wouldn't.

"We've been through this, Dick," Damian reminds, "I already relinquished my assassin morals to please Father."

"You did that for you too, Damian. Remember? You wanted to change," Dick reminds, "Besides, that doesn't have to be the only thing you talk about."

Damian rolls eyes before making his way to the grandfather clock in the study.

22:48 p.m.

He was never completely compliant nor rebellious. He happened to be a bit of both. His rebellious moments began when he first met his father over six years ago. It was only because he was introduced to a life that used his skills for good.

Tonight wasn't any different except he was alone and he had nothing but his rage to keep him company. Kneeling on the edge of the roof brought a certain comfort as he watches for any trouble that may arise. Batman said he wasn't allowed to find the Wayne Lab thief, he didn't say anything about going on patrol. Robin was ready for a fight.

He thought about the purple and pink canvas covered in clouds and small stars. He couldn't help but think about what that woman would look like. The thought of the painting brought his mind to ease. He felt okay, maybe even good, for a few moments.

And then he heard the screaming.

His attention was immediately brought to the alleyway not too far from him. He uses his binoculars to see what was happening.

He clenches his teeth at the sight of the woman being roughly shoved against a brick wall. A dirty looking man holds her against the wall, unbuckling his belt. Damian doesn't hesitate before gliding down to the alley.

"Please!" He hears the woman plead as he gets closer. "Please, don't!" Her sobs louden.

Damian uses both feet to kick the dirty man away. He looks at the woman, who's still sobbing against the brick wall. He notices her torn shirt, making him even angrier.

He looks back at the dirty man, who's struggling to buckle his belt again. The sight of Batman's hooded sidekick brought fear, especially since he was angry.

Damian could only see red. He clenches his fist enough to crack his knuckles, making the dirty man's eyes widen in surprise with the boy's strength.

With a growl, Damian charges toward the dirty man. He punches, immediately knocking out teeth. "You think..." he begins between every punch, "you can just...dehumanize...a person like that...and get away with that?!"

He picks the man up, the latter's face already bloodied and bruised. He was a semi-tall man; taller than Damian. Then again, most of his opponents are. But that didn't stop Damian when he was ten, and it sure as hell isn't gonna stop him now.

He kicks the man to the ground, following up with more kicks aimed for the stomach and groin. "You're disgusting," Damian growls.

The only thing the dirty man saw was the whites of Robin's mask shining through the dark hood. "Please..." the dirty man begs, "stop..."

"Were you gonna stop when she begged?" Damian growls. The dirty man lets out a grunt but says nothing. "Didn't think so."

Before he knew it, a batarang is in his hand, placed against the beaten man's neck. Damian stops himself. You could do it, he tells himself, you have done it.

Justice, not vengeance, chimes Batman's voice.

But Damian felt so angry. Killing used to be therapeutic.

No, you were made to think it was therapeutic.

It would be so easy to hide the body from Batman. His hand begins to shake, only making Damian feel frustrated and a little flustered.

You wanted to change. Dick's words were a reminder. He chose to be Robin for a reason. He wanted to help people and bring justice to those who deserved it.

I'm different, he reminds himself as he slowly pulls the batarang away from the dirty man's bloody neck, I've changed.

Without another word, Damian left a quick note on the man's beaten self before disappearing into the night.


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