Naruto, puzzled by the situation, walked back to where he sat before and looked down at Sasuke.

"S-sit," Sasuke spoke with great difficulty. Naruto sat. Delicately and uncertainly, Sasuke reached out a hand and stroked Naruto. He looked up at him with widened eyes, "Y-you- you're real!"

Naruto nodded, not understanding Sasuke's behaviour, "It's fine if you don't wish to speak to me Sasuke. You do not have to jest-"

"No!" Sasuke called out. Unconsciously, his fist clenched on Naruto's arm. Embarrassed, he immediately let go, "No..." he repeated quieter.

"Sasuke, I don't understand-"

Tears had formed in Sasuke's eyes. He couldn't control himself anymore.

"Don't think that!" Sasuke's shout sounded more like a desperate plea. Naruto tilted his head in confusion. Sasuke elaborated, "Don't think I hate you. Please."

Naruto was still bewildered. He had no idea what was going on, "Why would you not hate me?"

Sasuke felt his heart shatter. The innocence in his voice: It was so reminiscent of how he talked back when they were younger. He truly hadn't changed. And he thought that he hated him.

"I don't hate you!" he cried out, "Naruto, you're my brother!"

Now Naruto's eyes widened, "But you ignored me. You hated me."

Sasuke threw his arms around Naruto, "I'm sorry!! I'm so so sorry!!"

Itachi Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Might Guy and Rock Lee re-entered the village calmly. They had just finished their own mission with a hybrid of squads. It was mostly uneventful. Even when they returned, they were so bored that they didn't even utter a word. Suddenly, they saw a figure jump from roof-top to roof-top, getting closer to them. Neji Hyuuga landed in front of them, panting heavily. Rock Lee, being team-mates with Hinata, was closest to Neji and thus spoke first.

"Neji! Are you alright? Where is your usual youthfulness?!" he asked in his usual over-dramatic-ness.

"Naruto-!" he said, through pants. Instantly, everyone apart from Sakura froze. She internally groaned. 'This again?' she thought, 'I thought we were done!'

"What?!" Might Guy stepped forward, "What did you just say?"

"Naruto is in the village!" The group's eyes all widened. Rock Lee turned to Might Guy.

"Sensei, we have to find him! NOW!" his voice was the most desperate Guy had ever heard it. He simply nodded. The two were about to leave when Itachi held them back.

"What are you doing? This is obviously a ruse. Naruto is dead! We saw it happen!" Guy pulled his shoulder out of Itachi's grip.

"We have to see him. Even if there's only a small chance, I have to take it." he said gruffly.

"We saw it! I saw it! I got my Mangekyou Sharingan as did my brother from that very moment so don't try and tell me it didn't happen!"

"I swear it!" Neji broke them up, "I swear on my honour as a shinobi."

Itachi took a step back. Now it had to be true. Neji would not say that lightly. Without a look back, Might Guy and Lee began making their way to the Namikaze residence to find Naruto. Neji disappeared and Itachi and Sakura were left alone. Sakura turned to her shell-shocked sensei.

'I have to tell Sasuke! He won't be ready unless I warn him! Wait... will I be ready?' Itachi thought to himself.


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