chapter 14

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taehyung gasps when jeongguk's eyes slowly flutter open.

"jeongguk!", taehyung says excitedly, so happy that he woke up.

"huh?", jeongguk asks confused and looks around. he understands quickly that he's in taehyung's room and he groans in pain.

"taehyung?", he asks and taehyung never heard his voice this raspy and deep before. it's hot. "fucking headache.", jeongguk groans when he realizes how bad the pain in his head is.

"yeah. yeah, it's me.", he says. "here drink that.", he says and takes water and painkillers from his desk to give it jeongguk. he prepared this earlier to be able to give it jeongguk as soon as possible.

"i've cooled your eye. the swelling has decreased a little but you shouldn't stop cooling it."

jeongguk growns in pain when he sits up to swallow the painkillers. taehyung notices that he puts his hand on his belly while doing so.

"is your belly bruised?", taehyung asks. "i don't know.", jeongguk says. "do you want me to look?"

"i'm ok.", jeongguk simply replies.

"please, let me see.", he says and jeongguk looks him directly into his eyes now. the worried expression on his face does something inside of jeongguk's belly.

jeongguk nods, already lay down. taehyung slowly lifts jeongguk's shirt and if he wouldn't concentrate on jeongguk's bruises now, he would scream inside because of jeongguk's abs.

but taehyung gasps when he sees big purple spots all over his belly. "jeongguk, who did that to you?", he asks, his eyes getting teary and he has no fucking idea why.

why is he getting teary?
he doesn't even know me well..
it's cute tho.

then jeongguk remembers namjoon's words.

he takes people to his heart too quickly. people already took advantage of that.

"i'll get more ice. we need to cool your belly.", he says as if he were in a rush and quickly runs downstairs.

"he's awake.", he tells the others. "but- but he has got a headache, so don't come now. i'm taking care of his bruises already!", he says, still talking as if he were in a rush.

the others can't stop themselves from smiling at taehyung's absolutely cute behavior. he gets the ice and runs upstairs again.

"joon, i hope you already noticed that taehyung's totally in love with jeongguk."

"i did.", namjoon mumbles.

taehyung goes to jeongguk again, and he pulls down the shirt because if he would put the ice on his bare belly it would be too cold.



"you're out of breath. calm down.", he says and taehyung cheeks turn red at that.

"y-yeah, i'm sorry."

"don't worry.", jeongguk says and smiles.

he's so cute, jeongguk thinks.

taehyung takes a deep breath and sits down properly, leaning his body against the wall.

"are you hungry?" jeongguk shakes his head.

"do you want to talk about what happened?" again, jeongguk shakes his head.

"did guys from our school do that? what if they try to do it again?", taehyung asks. he also thinks that it was maybe jackson but for some reason he doesn't mention that.

"no, taehyung. please don't worry, i'm ok.", he says. "but.. um.. c-can i sleep here today?", jeongguk asks and taehyung nods. "of course."

oh my god.
will he sleep in the same bed as me?
probably not.
he'll want to sleep in my brother's bed.

"what are you doing?", taehyung asks with big puppy eyes when jeongguk removes the ice from his body.

"i'm going downstairs. come with me."

"b-but you have to lay down and cool your bruises-"

"i can lay on the couch. come.", he says and reaches his hand out but when he realizes what he just did, he pulls it back immediately.

taehyung blushes hardly at that but doesn't say anything and quietly follows jeongguk downstairs with the ice packs in his hands.

there's a painful expression on jeongguk's face as he sits down on the couch but taehyung forces him to lay down.

"no, you have to lay down!", he says and namjoon, yoongi and hoseok are all in the livingroom, looking at jeongguk and then smiling because of taehyung's behavior.

jeongguk also can't hide his little grin but taehyung can't see it, busy with placing an ice pack on jeongguk's belly.

"is it too cold? it's too cold, right? i should get something to wrap it-"

"taehyung, it's okay. sit down and breathe for a second.", jeongguk says and taehyung nods. he sits down and sighs.

"wow, i never knew my brother could be this caring.", namjoon says and taehyung gives him a death glare. "shut up.", he mumbles, feeling embarrassed.

"gguk, you really don't wanna tell us what happened? if some guys did that, we'll find them and-"

"no, it's ok. please, let's just change the topic.", jeongguk says and taehyung looks down at his lap. he's so curious about what happened to jeongguk.

jeongguk takes out his phone just to look at himself. "tomorrow's school. what a good impression on the teachers.", he mumbles.

"i-i don't think that you should go to school tomorrow.", taehyung says and jeongguk looks directly at him now. "it must hurt very badly and y-you should rest."

"i can't be missing after the first day, i'm new and the teachers need to have a good impression of me." jeongguk sounds really stressed while talking.

"i'm sorry, i need a minute.", he says to stand up. he opens the door to the terrace and there he sits down on a chair.

taehyung looks worriedly after him and his friends are also worried and don't know what to do.

"what happened to him?", hoseok asks and namjoon answers. "i have no idea."

"let's go get some food.", yoongi says and they agree. "taehyung can you keep an eye on jeongguk?", namjoon asks and taehyung nods quickly. "of course."

taehyung sits on the couch and waits for jeongguk. he doesn't want to bother since he said that he needs a minute. but after 15 minutes taehyung can't help but to be too worried, that's why he also goes to the terrace.

"i don't want to bother you, i just want to make sure you're okay.", taehyung says nervously.

"you're not bothering me.", jeongguk says, still not looking at him.

but still taehyung feels like he's bothering jeongguk too much, that's why he decides to go inside again and give him some space.

"i'm sorry, i'll go back inside-", he says and stands up but jeongguk quickly grabs his wrist. taehyung looks at him with big eyes.


taehyung doesn't stop staring into jeongguk's beautiful eyes, before he nods and sits down again, his belly doing a thing inside.

"where are the others?", jeongguk asks him.

"went out to buy food." jeongguk just nods at that.

taehyung has an overwhelming urge to put his arms around jeongguk and comfort him, even though he doesn't seem like he needs comfort.

but he's too shy and he doesn't want to be too clingy. that's why he just lets it be.

"are you cold? let's go inside.", jeongguk says, and stands up, and when he's standing, he grabs taehyung's hand to pull him up. taehyung blushes at that again.

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