Magda climbs onto her own bed and presses her face in the coolness of her pillow before replying, "I think so, but I'm not sure. I started and just went with it. I didn't have enough time to go back and check."

"At least you started it," Pernille scoffs.

"Actually, I skipped around, I didn't have time to get back to number three. I don't think anybody had enough time to finish and hopefully the graded curve with show it."

Pernille sighs as she rolls over to stare at the ceiling, "Whatever, I don't even care anymore. I'm just glad it's over."

They successfully survived their first week of mid-terms together and it's Friday afternoon. A bonus for mid-terms week, no soccer practice and no weekend game. They had a bi-week, a gap in their game schedule to accommodate for their academics.

"Me too," Magda replies.

"I'm so ready to get wasted."

With a heavy "on-the-road" soccer game schedule leading up to mid-terms, they hadn't been to a party in weeks.

"I'm in, but after I take at least a four-hour nap," Magda replies.

"Okay," Pernille rolls over and curls herself towards the wall, closing her eyes. "See you in four hours."



"Pernille," Magda says lightly, carefully rubbing Pernille's arm to wake her. "P."

"Mm," Pernille left arm whacks at the air, meaning to deter Magda.

Magda smacks her hand out of mid-air.


"Oh yeah right, like that really hurt. Get up Pernille, the dining hall closes in fifteen minutes if we want to eat before going out."

Food. Yes, food is definitely important and Pernille springs up. "Fifteen minutes?!"

"Yeah, I just woke up, and I'm fucking starving. Hurry up, let's go," Magda taps Pernille's cheek and Pernille turns away with a grin.

"I'm up, I'm up," Pernille replies, scooting off her bed and sliding directly into her shoes.

They run to the dining hall with ten minutes to spare. Leftover, heat lamp dried food isn't the best, but hey, it's better than nothing and the girls eat what they can. They exit with giant soft-serve ice cream cones in their hands, greedily licking the sweet treat on their walk back.

Preparations to go out are unhurried, it's still early at a quarter past nine, though Pernille and Magda bypass some of their dorm mates, eagerly dressed to get drunk, get laid.


"Kim's hosting a party at her place looks like most of the team is going to be there. Wanna go meet them first? Pre-game?" Pernille asks, putting her phone down from the text messages.

"Yeah, I guess we could. Kim's on Magnolia Street right, just across campus?" Magda replies, blow drying the last of her wet hair.


"What do you think?" Magda asks, putting down the blow dryer and turning for Pernille's opinion. Magda is wearing a pair of dark jeans, red converse with a matching flannel, collar extruding from a thin, half-zipped styled hoodie topped by a darker jacket.

Magda looks nice, really nice. Pernille is used Magda in casual attire, sporty workout clothes like sweatpants, mesh shorts, and various sports logo hooded sweaters. This Magda, the Magda dressed to go out, is undeniably... hot. Though Tom-boyish, Magda wears everything fittingly with her long, blonde hair down and masters a very androgynous look.

Pernille Harder & Magdalena ErikssonWhere stories live. Discover now