Chapter 8

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The weeks continue with a sustained closeness that could best be defined as "newly found best friends with snuggle benefits". An interesting place to be, undoubtedly, but neither Magda nor Pernille had any complaints and simply, went with it.

With practically the same schedule, they were inseparable. Aside from their electives apart, Magda and Pernille spent every waking and none waking hour together. Sitting next to each other during class, dining, or simply studying together at various locations throughout the campus - the library, student union, or coffee shop.

Back in their room, books, belongings, and bodies easily crossed the invisible plane, feet kicked up on one another while lying and studying on each other's beds. Additionally, Magda's fleece blanket found a new permanent home on Pernille's bed.

Weekends consisted of more binge watching and held the majority of their snuggle sessions. Pernille lying across Magda's stomach, Magda spooning Pernille, vice versa and variations in between. Sometimes, Magda would allow herself to thread her fingers through Pernille's hair. Always simple gestures, appreciative gestures. Meaningful, but chaste. Magda's feelings had transformed into a deeper appreciation for the blonde. Kind, intelligent, and caring.

While Pernille continued to sit on the sidelines during soccer practice and games, she was fully mentally engaged. She shared her observations and plays with Coach Sjögren, who graciously took some of her ideas into consideration and Pernille really felt proud to contribute. Linköping maintained an undefeated record.

Magda took notice. Pernille's work ethic was unquestionable; dedicated, smart, and driven. Unbarred by her broken leg, Pernille acted as the unofficial assistant coach, openly giving tips and pointers to any of her teammates who were interested but didn't force herself on anyone. A quality leadership style Pernille found herself observing and, enjoying. Pernille had suggestions for Magda too, which bettered her position, and thus, bettered her play. It was fun and challenging.

Back in their room, Pernille was typically the first to fall asleep during anything and Magda found herself occasionally tracing the features on Pernille's face. Pernille was pretty, though Magda didn't feel the impulse to kiss her, like Pernille was too beautiful to be disturbed and instead, regarded the pretty blonde in contempt silence. Often, Magda would toss her blanket over Pernille and tuck her in before returning to her bed.


"Three more days, you excited?" asks Magda as she bounces a tennis ball to Pernille across from her.

They were doing laundry, sitting atop a washer and dryer each, and playing with a tennis ball while waiting.

Pernille looks down at her cast, dirtied around the edges and signed by her teammates, signed by Magda.

Five weeks had gone by incredibly fast, it's early October with autumn in full bloom. The smell of rusty orange leaves after a rain shower, the cool, misty air in the mornings and best yet return of pumpkin spice lattes.

"Yeah, of course," replies Pernille with a small huff, tossing the ball back.

Magda caught the huff.

"They why do you look apathetic?"

"I just... uh, nevermind."

"Just what, P?"

"I shouldn't be complaining... As the doc said, it was a clean break and at least I didn't need surgery."

"C'mon, you can tell me," Magda looks at Pernille expectedly.

"It's just, I haven't worked out in weeks. I'm... gonna suck compared to everybody else. I really probably shouldn't play until next season, when I'm 100%."

Pernille Harder & Magdalena ErikssonWhere stories live. Discover now