Chapter 5

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After the whole day of classes, Magda slams her books down and turns to Pernille.

"Look, we have to do something about this. I don't want to see your face any more than I have to."

Giving Magda her attention, Pernille wasn't opposed.

"I don't either. What do you have in mind?"

"What about a schedule?" suggests Magda, "Assign blocks of time so we don't have to be in the room together unless we're sleeping of course."

Made sense.

"Fine," says Pernille.


Looking forward to not seeing each other, they eagerly draft a schedule. It was uncanny how well they worked together, similar thought processes and finishing each other's sentences. Magda wanted time at the library, so Pernille took dibs at the coffee shop in the student union. They split the campus in half if either wanted to wander, sit outside to study, or otherwise including independent paths they would take to class, back to the room, or to soccer practice.

Proudly pinning up the schedule in the middle of the room, each excited for tomorrow in near total absence of each other.


Their schedule worked extremely well and the week flew by.

It's Friday. And along with Friday was the first school party at one of the main frat houses.

But both Pernille and Magda weren't allowed to go. After their wrestling fight during the first practice, the Coach made sure that both will do some work in the gym.

When Magda arrived at the gym, the gym was empty.

Magda tossed her towel over her shoulder and scanned the room. It was quiet except for the clanging of a few weights in the back. This was the time she enjoyed the gym the most. She could take her workout at her pace.

She walked toward the line of treadmills. Her body relaxed at the sight of all the empty treadmills. After a few stretches, she climbed onto one and began putting in her settings. Her free hand placed the buds in her ear as the black mat underneath her began to move. 45 mins would do. She could run off all the stress from the week and just zone out for the rest of her work out.

Magda's feet began to move faster. She found herself jogging in no time and lost herself in the music filling her ears. Her eyes remained fixed on the empty spaces in front of her. She was enjoying the way her muscles burned with each step. It was in these moments she felt the freest. No stress. No distractions.

After half an hour Pernille arrived too and went to the treadmill on the other side of the room. Magda saw a flash of blonde hair being placed in a ponytail from her peripheral vision but did her best to keep looking forward. The smell of coconut shampoo wafted her in her direction once Pernille on the other machine began to move. Magda shook her head and remained to stare straight ahead.

She felt the row of machines shaking as she began to pound harder with each step. The shaking was more intense now that there were two of them.

The treadmill began to speed up and Magda found herself pushing harder to keep up. She reached for her water bottle and unscrewed the cap as she moved.

"Fuck" Magda cursed when she spit the water over her shirt. Magda's shirt was already wet from the sweat but it annoyed Magda so she took her shirt off.

Magda still kept her pace, returning the water bottle to the holder and laying her shirt next to her towel. Her heart was thumping hard and loud in her chest. She was positive it was from her work out. There's no way the side of someone's face could give her such a reaction.


Magda turned her head towards where she thought the sound was coming from and saw Pernille laying on the floor.

Magda was to focus on her running that she didn't notice that Pernille moved from the Treadmill to the punching bag.

Out of reflexes, Magda runs to Pernille to check on her.

"Holy shit, you okay Pernille?"

"Uhhhh." Pernille groaned. "I'm just winded."

"Jesus, you flew like twenty feet."

"You're exaggerating."

Magda felt permille's eyes on her abs.

Magda smirk, "I guess the great Pernille Harder can get distracted."

"Why did I just say that to my enemy?"

Pernille blushed furiously.

Magda stuck her hand out, Pernille slapped her hand away.

"Fuck Off! I don't need your help, Eriksson!"

Pernille got up and left the gym.

Magda stayed back an finished her work out.


Magda got back to her dome hopping Pernille would already be asleep. When she entered Pernille was lying in her bed listening to music and scrolling through Instagram.

Magda sits down on her own bed with feet hanging off the edge. For lack of words, Magda retrieves her own phone.


Pernille heard the door opening and closing again. She thought about apologizing to Magdalena about what happened in the gym but decided Magdalena should apologize first for her dumb comment. Pernille had to admit that she did stare at Magdalena's muscular body and that the bag knocked her out because Magdalena took her shirt of.

Idly scrolling through Instagram, Pernille can't help but look up at Magdalena. The way Magda's eyes studied the bright screen with intent, Pernille wanted to meet them with her own. Pernille's trance is interrupted when Magda turns to look in her direction, and Pernille immediately drops her head back down at her phone.

Magda thought she felt Pernille staring, but turns to find Pernille still looking down at her phone. to meet them again.


Pernille was so lost in her reverie that she had dropped her phone on her face.

"Ow, shit," says Pernille, rubbing her forehead where the corner of the phone had caught her the most.

Magda looks up, "Are you okay?" Magda asks with fear in her voice not wanting to get screamed at again.

Pernille peers back over in curiosity, meeting a bright set of green pupils. Were they always so vibrant? Granted the entire evening had been awkward, there was an undoubted shift in the air between them.

"Uh.. yeah, I'm fine."

They hold each other's gaze for a second too long, trying to read through each other's façade, but simultaneously break before it got even more awkward.

Closing all the apps on her phone, Magda sets up her alarm for the following morning. They had their first game at 10 am against Rosengard.

"I'm setting my alarm for 8:30 tomorrow morning," says Magda. She's not really sure why she said it, she wasn't supposed to care. But decided to let Pernille know.

"Okay," Pernille agrees, "Do you want me to set mine just in case?"

Peering over in caution, like Pernille's offer was a trap, Magda gives a tentative, "Sure."

Pernille simply nods and turns her attention back to her phone.

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