The beginning

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A/N: Like I promised I'm going through and reviewing and editing a lot of the stories I've written through the years as you can tell I removed a lot of my works mostly due to me not really remembering where I was wanting to go with the story as well as realizing how cringe my old work was so! I'm revamping a lot of my works and my writing style. However the ones that have stayed will be edited and reviewed so bare with me through this process my new story is currently in the works it's going to be an updated version of my Excalibur Umbra story mostly due to me finally getting through the story of warframe which is amazing by the way. So it's either I make a new story or just edit the old one to my current version of it ya'll decide. edit date 08/10/24.

In the beginning a man lost it all...his home his family...his son the anger he held released drowning all his enemies in purgatory. His unyielding rage shook the nine gates of hell he walked down a path of destruction and rage....and he who ever utters his name shivers in fear the man who destroys for vengeance...his name is the Doom slayer....

"The demons of hell learned to fear The Doomslayer his rage shook the earth and the inner gates of hell" a man says to his son as he looks up to the man. "What happened to him papa?" The man paused for a moment then smiled "the man found inner peace son he found a loving wife and had a one of a kind son" the son looked up at the man with stars in his eyes "really papa?!" The man chuckled then nodded "really kiddo just remember this a man always has inner rage its just up to them to keep a tight lid on it. But when it comes to it to protect family then release that lid remove all your restraints and let it all go..." The son looked up at him curiously "what do you mean papa?" The man shook his head "nothing kiddo you will know when your older now go get your mother she has some treats for you" the kid smiled "yes papa!" He hopped off his lap and ran off towards his mother.

The man stood up and walked to a secret room inside held all his weaponry and two sets of armor
The man looked at both sets of armor and traces his old set of armor he prayed his son will never have to dawn any set of armor. As he looked at his armor he could hear the voices of the damned as memories of him ripping and tearing his enemies into nothing his vengeance and anger was infectious and killer. One of the sets of armor was a dark green with a light green visor the memories of the armor speaks through the scrapes and battle damage occurred from the centuries of battle it spoke volumes. The second armor was silver more so along the lines of iron plate armor with a feather on the side of the helmet eventually the mans son will have to dawn that armor he too will bare the curse of the slayer a mantle the man didn't want for his child it's a life that isn't taken lightly its filled with rage, hate, and death. The man was lost in thought the memories of him fighting the forces of hell flashing through his mind as he quickly snapped out of it when he heard his wife call out to him. 

He quickly get out of the room shutting and locking the door to be met with the face of his wife "and what were you doing in there honey?" She had that smile that any man should fear "nothing hun just making sure everything is still there" she sighs crossing her arms "I get your worried for him but as long as were here he should be fine no one will find us here or him.." The man looks down and clenches his fists "No they will find him and you know it they will want his blood...his eyes glow with pure argent energy they will sense it and try taking him and if they do...I need you to make sure you get to safety because I will reek havoc against the devils of this world" as he said that he releases some of his hatred but soon calms down as his wife isabelle hugs him tightly "No your not alone anymore were you go I will follow we will defend him with everything we have" she pecks his lips then smiles "Cant leave my doomslayer all alone can I?" The doomslayer smiles and lets out a soft chuckle "of course not" as he says that he cant help but have a bad feeling in his gut.

After two months the fear that Doomslayer had had became a reality in the distance sounds of battle echo through the night a faint glow of red filled the horizon as a man in green armor stood infront of his severely injured wife blood pouring form his wounds as he pants audibly while facing the devil king lucifer "Doomslayer all you had to do is give him to us I mean you hid so well but you can only hide for so long." The man known as Lucifer (basically the original ruler of hell not sirzechs though hades will hold some hate towards sirzechs) Doomslayer stands there staring down the ruler of hell "Or better yet I can take that wife of yours and make her mine? will that bring out the oh so terrifying doomslayer? What a joke! you've gotten old and slow" lucifer taunts as he floats above Doomslayer. Doom slayer feels his anger rise as lucifer continues his taunts "And we devils and demons used to fear you can't believe how weak you really are how bout this if you bow down now I will make your death quick or better yet how bout you give up your son and I guess I could let you and your wife go back into hiding" the devil laughs as doomslayer clenches his fists as he charges the devil.

Meanwhile a woman that the doomslayer and isabelle trusted even if she was a devil ran far away with Hades in her arms her name was grayfia she looked at hades in her arms as she heard the chaos behind her. 'I wont let them get you I promise'

Back with the doom slayer he was panting heavily as he had a couple of spears of light in his body part of his helmet was cracked as blood dripped down his chin as he held isabelle's body in his arms she had passed away protecting him from an attack. "Come on doom slayer getting tired? You were so fearful once now look at you old and broken maybe I should kill your son in front of you or maybe even better make you watch as I take the energy from his body will that make you angry?" Doomslayer looked up at lucifer as a faint glow of red was seen from his cracked visor "Vega transfer back up into hades armor" he whispered as vegas places a copy of himself in hades armor Doom Slayer sets her body on the grass gently as he looks at her peaceful face gently caressing it as he begs forgiveness from her as he stands up a dark red aura surrounds him filling the air with killing intent as he looks dead at Lucifer. "trust me lucifer I will kill you and make you an example of why not to fuck with me....I shall drown you all in my anger!" He charges lucifer only to be stabbed in the gut by three spears of light he falls to his knees gasping for air as lucifer floats down Infront of him. "Hmph so much for the all so mighty doomslayer you were a loose end that the demons of hell couldn't even defeat and yet I defeated you in one night ain't that something?" He says as he grips the doom slayer by the throat as he lifts him up by his throat the devil baring a cocky grin speaking with pure venom and malice in his voice "anything you want to say before I take your pathetic life and then your son?" The doomslayer gripped lucifers hand tightly then let out a dark chuckle "If I'm going taking all of you with me vega argent energy overload code Be Human" his armor started to overload as a bright red hue is seen shining through his armor  lucifer noticed this and  tried getting away from doomslayer but doomslayer brought him into a bear hug and laughed "What's the matter devil? Scared? " Vega said one last thing before the explosion "its been a honor doomslayer"

A massive shock wave gets sent out which blows past grayfia startling her for a moment as  she turned around to see a huge explosion of red in the distance a tear fell down her face knowing the fate of the old warrior she wiped it away and disappeared into the darkness with hades in her arms.

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