DuckTales (2017) - Duckside Attraction (01)

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In celebration of DT Season 3, I decided to write a "multi-shot" based on the Gravity Falls episode "Roadside Attraction". This is the first chapter, titled as "Louie and Dewey Just Had to Break that Vase" in my notes. Enjoy :D

(Also this is set in between the finale of Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2, so no spoilers for S2 and unfortunately everything angsty in S1 has already happened.)


Normal was not a term the average citizen of Duckberg would use to describe the famous Scrooge McDuck; or, even, his entire family, if one counted them.

Definitely not his family.

Instead, the average citizen was more likely to use the word "chaotic". There was a simple reason why: the McDuck family went on a lot of mythical adventures. In fact, to the city of Duckberg, it seemed like they were rarely home.

But the McDuck family would indeed use the word normal. It was normal for the Beagle Boys to sneak into the mansion night after night, looking for gold, money, or some ancient artifact they could swipe. It was normal for Flintheart Glomgold to come up with a scheme that somehow involved sharks. It was normal for Goldie O'Gilt to request the help of Scrooge, only to con him at the very last second.

But one of their most chaotic adventures was something no one would describe as normal.


It started with the vase that had broken the day before.

It had been a nice vase, a white one with a blue floral print - and it had belonged to Mrs. Beakley, so everyone knew not to mess with it.

Until boredom overtook Louie and Dewey Duck, and they resorted to playing Catch the Ball - in the house.

The vase had gotten shattered when the ball had collided with the china pottery. Truth to be told, Louie and Dewey hadn't even noticed it was broken until they were called into Scrooge's study the following morning.

Scrooge was sitting in his desk chair, his hands folded on his desk and looking stern, but Mrs. Beakley was standing behind him.

Mrs. Beakley looked mad.

Louie and Dewey glanced at each other.

"Boys," Scrooge began, "Mrs. Beakley would like to know why her favorite vase is broken."


Louie and Dewey shared another look before realization dawned on them - oh.

That vase.

It couldn't have been that vase, could it?

"It wasn't, say, that white vase by the front door?" Louie tried.

"The blue one?" Dewey said, his voice strained.

"If you mean my china white vase with the paisley blue print, then you're correct." Mrs. Beakley's voice shook with anger as she reached into her apron pockets and pulled out the broken pieces of the vase. "I should hope you weren't playing baseball in the house."

"Um -" Louie held up a finger. "We weren't playing baseball -"

"So Duckworth didn't see you two throw a baseball to each other, only for the ball to miss and break my vase?" Mrs. Beakley's voice rose.

Louie and Dewey fell silent. Yeah, that had been them, all right.

"I thought so," Mrs. Beakley surmised, raising an eyebrow. "A punishment is in order for you two for breaking something in the house."

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