I clap my hands in enthusiasm. "I'm so thrilled for you!"

"I'll get him back." She demands.

"Best of luck there. If he were to buy any of your lies then I don't need him anyway." I say and go to grab the handle to leave.

"He can't resist me." She smiles wanly like she doesn't actually believe her own lies.

"Cheer-i-o mate." I snide in my best English accent. "Enjoy your night."

I go to grab the door handle and she pushes my hand out of the way. Slaps it to be more precise. I take a deep breath and stare her right in the eye. "Tessa, you won't get what you're looking for from me. I'm not going to freak out and cause a scene. It's not in my temperament...you know this. You've been trying for years." I roll my eyes.

"Someone has to be able to de-throne you." I laugh at her idiot statement. She finally backs down and I step outside into a drizzly over-cast night. It's dark and gloomy. Ominous.

On the porch is Willow barfing over the railing while Ryder holds her up by her waist and Johnny holds her hair while trying to order a lyft.

"I got it." I say to Ryder. Get your disgusting hands off my little sister. I will murder him. "I can't take her home, dad will surely collapse and mom's too young to be widowed. Willow will always come back to this night for the rest of her life. She'll blame herself and say things like maybe dad would still be here if I hadn't gotten wasted." Johnny nods in complete agreement with saucer eyes.

"Call Auntie. She's the only one who can calm him down when he goes all beet faced." Johnny stares me right in the eyes and I pause. I quickly try to think of other alternatives, but I come up with nothing.

"Damn it." I inch up closer to Willow while she makes a terrible retching noise, I press her into the railing as I dig my phone out of my back pocket. I take a deep breath before hitting my mom's name on my phone.

"Hi Mommy." I beam when she answers and Johnny can't help but laugh. I never call her mommy.

"What?" I can feel on the other end she is bracing for the worst.

"Don't wake daddy but we're at the Miller's and Willow is..." I pause and look to Johnny for help. He rolls his eyes at me. "She, had maybe one too many and she's barfing."

"I'll be right there." Her voice is strained and then I hear the last voice I want to hear. My dad is cursing at her to tell him what's going on.

I hang up and look at Logan who has just walked out with sadness. "I'll be seeing you never." The tears are threatening me, and I choke them back. I can't surrender to them. I hate crying and especially in front of people.

"It's not your fault." He steps to my side and wraps an arm around me. "They won't be mad at you."

"Fuck yeah it is and they will be fucking pissed. At me too....and fucking Lucy. I'm not going home with you." Johnny says. He motions to Logan to come take her hair. "Fuck!" He yells out.

"Alright, we get it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I say to him as he walks in the house to leave me to deal with this alone. "Great, what a gentleman he turned out to be."

"Should I get her purse? Did she bring anything?" I turn and see Ryder Hastings still here and all the blood drops out of my head. Can I yell for him to get away from us before my parents show up and this situation goes from awful to horrific?

"Can you go tell Johnny to get all her stuff and give it to Logan. I can get it at swim tomorrow. No way he's coming back out here."

"I'm dying." Is what sounds like is coming out of Willows mouth. "Dying. Izzy can I stand up?"

The Princess of Laguna(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now