A productive day

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"I can't believe that Howard did those things to Tony. In the war he hasn't like that, why would he be like that after?" Uncle Steve said with his Eyebrows of Disappointment™.

"I don't know. But yesterday afternoon, when we were asleep in the couches, dad had a nightmare and he was shacking and crying. I woke him up as soon as I saw that and when he woke up he just kept silently crying like he was used to do that. When he calmed down, he said that in his nightmare he was in his home, in front of him was Howard with his fist covered in blood and bruises and on the floor was Maria with blood, then Howard said 'You have been a bad child, you deserve a punishment like your mother.' Then he started to beat him up and then he woke up." After I told them the story, we stayed in silence. No one knew what to say next, so I decided to just say goodbye. "Bye guys. Stay safe." And they waved before I ended the call and went to the lab.

When I got to the lab, the three boys were in different desks, all doing there projects, Peter probably working on something for Spider-Man, Harley working on god knows what and dad was building, what looks like, a robot (the one on the middle of the photo). "Hey bambino, you working in a robot?"

"Yep! They said that I could do whatever I wanted." Dad said with the biggest smile on his face, tinkering with his tools on the robot. I went to my own desk and started to do something.

Few hours went by and I started to get hungry, I looked at the clock and it said 1:00 pm. Time to eat. "Guys, let's go eat lunch. I'm hungry." The teenage boys groaned and dad just agreed with me. We made our little trip again and ate the leftover pasta of yesterday's dinner. We ate in silence, and thanks to that, I had an idea. "Remember those trees that pops and Uncle Steve wanted to plant but never did? We could do that!" I exclaimed and they looked like they were actually considering it. Before Peter or Harley could talk, dad did.

"That's a great idea! I wanna help! What kind of trees are they?" Dad exclaimed too, well he was excited about that to say the least.

"Yeah okay, we can do that." Harley shrugged.

"Well bambino, we have two lemon trees, one mango tree and one peach tree." I smiled at dad. 

"Can we go now?" He asked excitedly. I just chuckle at his excitement.

"First we need to finish eating, then we can go." I smiled at him and continued eating. Dad eagerly ate and finished in seconds, in fact, I was a little worried if he would choke on his food from how fast he ate it. When we finished, Harley went to clean the dishes and dad excused himself and went to the bathroom. I took that opportunity to speak with my brothers about something. "Guys, I made the math and tomorrow dad is gonna have the same age as us or one or two years older than us, so I was thinking of going to school and bring him with us. And I also already told pops and the rest about the nightmare and something else. That something else been Howard beats dad up, and probably Maria too." You already know the felling that they are felling without me saying because honestly, I've said it so many times, but we have something new too. It's shock AND anger. 

"I'm seriously going to kill him more than he already is." Harley said while washing the dishes so hard. "But yeah, we could do what you said, go to school with him tomorrow."

"But wouldn't we need to miss school again the day after, like yeah, dad is gonna be older than us for sure, but he doesn't know where he is and those things." Peter had a point, but he forgot that dad is a genius, he can figure it out, and also we have FRIDAY.

"Yeah, but he's a genius Pete, and we also have FRIDAY to help." Right after I finished my sentence, dad came throught the door. "You ready?"

"Yes! Can we go now?" He made puppy dog eyes at me. Fact: he is so damn good at that.

"Okay okay. Harley, when you finish, come join us, we are going to be at the garden. Come on bambino! Peter! Let's go plant some trees!" I exclaimed and we three went to the elevator and if FRIDAY already knew, she took us to the ground floor so we could go to the garden, that is in the back of the tower. When we got there, Peter and dad started to run, it looked to be a competition, of course Peter wasn't using his full speed as you know, but he still won, dad also didn't know the way so that helped a bit too.

"Where did pops put the trees?" Peter asked looking around, trying to find the trees. "Was it in the- Found it! They are in that corner!" He said while running towards the corner.

"Stay here bambino, I'm gonna get the things to plant them." I said to dad and he nooded. I went back inside the tower and went straight to the closet where there was the cleaning things, the garden things and the rest. "Okay, I need four sticks, a shovel, the trees are outside, a hammer and a watering can." I said as I grabbed the things, I'm definitely going to need to come back to get the rest so yeah. I grabbed the sticks and the shovel and went outside, put them on the ground, went back inside, grabbed the watering can and the hammer and went back outside.

"Why do we need all that stuff?" Harley asked as he approached us. How does he think we're gonna plant them? I forgot to bring elastics too.

"How do you think we're gonna plant them? With magic? I'm sorry but Uncle Loki isn't here. Also, be right back, forgot something. Don't do anything without me." I ran back inside, to the same closet, and there I found random elastics that I have no clue why they're here, I needed at least 8. When I had them all, and some more, I went back outside just to see the three boys laying on the grass, with their eyes closed. Are they sleeping? "Pst. Are you sleeping?" I whispered.

"No, we're just relaxing." Peter said, sitting up. "But now it ended because we need to plant things, isn't it right, Anthony?" He asked dad while approaching him and tickling him. This is so cute but at the same time kind of weird, oh well, this is my world after all.

"Okay guys, up up. Let's plant the trees there." I pointed to the perfect place that fitted perfectly four trees. "We could put 'lemon, mango, peach, lemon'. What do y'all think?" They nooded and then we went to grab the trees and go to the place. "Okay, I'm gonna mark with my foot the places to make a hole, then you, Peter, use the shovel to make the holes. After that, Harley is gonna give Anthony a piggyback so that he can hammer the sticks into the holes. After that, I'm gonna put the trees into the holes and cover them with the earth that was taken to make the holes. Then  Anthony is gonna give them water with the watering can. And finally, Harley will attach the tree trunk to the stick with the elastic. Got it?" I ordered and we all started doing what I just said.

After we finished planting them, we went back to the lab. Dad continued is robot, I worked on whatever I was doing, Peter worked on his Spider-Man suit and Harley on whatever he was doing. Sometimes we would talk with each other, other times was just silence, and that lasted until it was dinner time.

This time, dinner was chinese food, we saw a movie, like usual, while we were eating, today's movie was 'Robinhood', Uncle Clint loves that movie, you probably know why.

After the movie, we went to our rooms, dad was still going to sleep in my room because I don't know if he's gonna have nightmares or not and I'm kind of scared if he has and I'm not there, so I put him in one side of the bed and when I go to bed myself, I'm gonna go to the other side. We dressed our pj's and brushed our teeths, I put my alarm on and then went to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

Hey guys, sorry for not updating yesterday, but, as I said, I was helping my dad outside and stuff.

But, at least, here you have the chapter. 

Idk if I'm gonna post everyday, but the max is you not getting an update in 2 days.

And today, you got 3 updates of me, like, wow, that's probably never gonna happen again. Sorry.

Hope y'all are safe.

2380 words

Peace off my dudes

Love ya


Tony is a baby?!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon