Well, he's an adult now

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(Before we start, just wanted to say that this chapter has a crossover with a Netflix serie 'Lucifer'. I started to see this serie with my dad and then this idea appeared in my head so deal with it :) )(There is no spoliers about the serie or something like that, althought there is gonna have a little twist or something)

(Also, this is a long chapter, like, longer than the usual)

"Y/N! Wake up!" Peter and Harley shook me awake and practically screamed at my ears. They were still in their pj's and their hair was messy, probably they woke up now too.

"What time is it?" I said with one eye open and my morning voice.

"Doesn't matter! Dad isn't here! He's not even in the tower!" They screamed. I immediatly got up and regret it the moment I did because I was now dizzy.

"WHAT?! No no no no, people are gonna see him, they're gonna speak to other people, and the media will find out! Fuck!" I started to freak out. I honestly think I'm gonna have a panic attack, like, NO ONE can know about this. "Did he leave somthing? Like a note? What time is it, god damn?" Maybe I'm freaking out to much, maybe not.

"Boss left a note beside the elevator when he left and it's currently 11:00 am." FRIDAY spoke up. 11:00 am?! Why didn't my alarm woke me up? I looked at where my alarm clock is supposed to be and he is indeed there, but destroyed, okay... I stormed out of my room and went to find the note beside the elevator, my brothers followed me confused but then understood that I was going to find and read the note. When I reached the elevator, I found the note on the little table that we have beside it, I don't know why we have it, and in it was writted:

Sorry sweetheart, but I had to go, you weren't in bed either so I just left this note.

Had lots of fun last night.


"Okay, he thinks he had a one night stand, so he's probably in his years of playboy now, which mean that he's an adult now. He could be anywhere then, but he said that he was going to work, so he probably headed to Stark Industries, but knowing him, probably not. Peter, go spidermaning around the north of the city to see if you can find him or just a lead. Harley, take Happy with you and try to find him by car in the south. I will walk on the streets and stay in the center. Got it?" They nooded and Peter went to his and Harley's room to get the suit and jump out of the window to go spidermaning. Me and my twin went to change first and then got in the elevator and went to the lobby, where Happy was.

"Happy!" Happy turned around from where he was and signaled for us to slow down.

"No running. You know the rules." He said with his usual annoyed face, but with a little smirk.

"Doesn't matter that right now. Dad's gone! He isn't at the tower! Peter went to look for him in the north of New York, I need you to take me by car to the south so we can look for him there, and Y/n will walk in the center." Harley said in a hurry while trying to take Happy to the elevator to go to the garage. I waved at them and went running out the door.

Where would a genius billioanire playboy philanthropist go? A party? No, it's to early for that. Work? As I said before, not Tony Stark. He can- Oh shit! I have an idea! "FRIDAY, show me the footage of dad leaving the tower and the path that he did." Why didn't I thought of that first? Because I was freaking out, I guess.

FRIDAY put the camera footage in the sunglasses that I was using and I stopped in my tracks to see, of course that I wasn't going to stand in the middle of the street, so I went to an alley that was almost beside me. There I saw dad leaving the tower with a suit, no it wasn't an iron man suit if your confused, probably on of the suits that was on the closet, and then he went to the same path that I was doing, yey. I started making the same path that he did and when 'we' stopped, 'we' were in front of a bar. Seriously? At this hour? "FRIDAY, what hour did he enter? And, has he got out of here?"

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