The waterfall ! I gasped. 

If I could find it, I would be able to go back home.

I stood up again, determination overtaking my tired state and stealth walked towards the sounds. I had to be careful, if i ended up in front of a wolf again, I would be dead meat.

Not too long after, I pushed against the last branch that lead me to a small clearing atop the waterfall. 

First thing I did was check for a sign of the beast around. My heightened vision proved to be useful and I felt mildly excited, pushing back the thoughts of why and how I had this ability. No wolf in sight, I felt my lips drop in awe at the space I was overlooking. The moon definitely made it magical, with the calming sounds of rushing water that fell into the lake. The occasional blows of wind through the clearing and the sway of trees made it seemed so peaceful.

I carefully tried to maneuver my way down the cliff of the waterfall, as the rocks were quite slippery but jagged. It was  easier for me to grip but it did bruise my feet as I was barefooted.

Where were my shoes? Didn't think about wearing shoes, crazy Deidre before you ran to the woods huh?

I gasped and stopped mid descent, did I have a bipolar side that was looney and could knock my conscious unconscious and take over my mind and body? Cause I sure as hell had no recollection of when I came here and why. I started descending again, in a rush to get home now.

I reached the ground, thankfully safe and walked up to the front of the lake. I admired the height I climbed down from, mentally tapping myself on the back. 

I only had myself to keep my spirits up to get out of this shit. All of this was starting to feel like a horror movie. We just needed the star to appear now, the killer wolf.

I shook my head at my horrible thoughts, 'No Deidre, focus on getting back home, Only on getting back home'

I sat on my knees and scooped some water, splashing my face with it. Being cooler, it felt so good against my warm skin. I caught sight of my eyes in the water, they seemed more aqueous blue when they glowed. I had a feeling they were glowing when I started having HD vision, but even after all this time, they still were 'on'. It was both mesmerising and freaky. I sighed deeply, 'gotta keep going Dei'.

 I wiped myself as quickly as I could with my hands and the water, hissing slightly at the scratches across my body and my feet. My poor feetsies were in a terrible state.

Just when I was about to get up I heard water splashes and an unmistakable growl. I cranked my head up at the sounds, already knowing what I would see. Indeed, standing proudly at the top of the waterfall was the huge dark wolf. The same one I had encountered, with vivid emerald eyes that seemed to pierce through my mind. My enhanced vision did not help in keeping me from shitting my pants as I saw just how much he was snarling at me from a distance.

And I was paralysed, exhausted and on the brink of a fucking breakdown.

My eyes filled with tears and a soft sob came out of my mouth. I was struggling to keep myself from feeling all the emotions due to all that happened to me, 'and now this thing shows up'.

My breaths became short and quick as I saw the wolf leap to the ground, landing on its powerful paws, beside me on the clearing.

It had stopped growling, but it still looked menacing, being a giant with black fur. Its eyes were pulled as if it were in concentration, while I just stared at it, definitely on the verge of a panic attack now.

As it started taking confident steps towards me, "Sweet Mother of Jesus" slipped from my mouth. I was a goner for sure.

It stopped right in front of me, my head tilting up slightly, to match its eyes. With the wolf towering over me, I could feel its breaths on my face. 

A single tear came out of my overfilled eyes, and I hastily blinked the blurriness away. I felt like I could not break eye contact, fearing I would be mauled to death instantly.

Its deep green eyes seemed so bright up close. No... not bright, they were glowing... like mine ?


Hi everyone, thank you to the people who have been reading this story so far. This is a very long overdue update, so sorry but I do have plans of finishing this story now and I will indeed update more often. I am grateful for the free time we have being currently in lockdown. Vote if you've liked it & drop comments so I can read your thoughts about it. 

See you in the next update x ~ Sky

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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