Cat's Meow

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"Mrow." Did that just come out of my mouth?! No wait it's probably the cat. I'm probably just hearing things. I stumble out of the bathroom. So that means I fell asleep in the bathroom which means I fell asleep in the tub in water. Great just great. That wasn't wasn't even on my bucket list.

It was cold just stepping out of the tub, well the water was colder and for some odd reason I hated it. I scanned the area for a towel and that's when I realized a height difference. I was seeing more of the floor and not the mirror. Weird and I just shook myself out like a wet dog. I lifted my hand- nope that is not a hand that's a cat paw.

"Mrow." That means I'm the cat! I climbed my way up to the mirror to get a better look. It didn't help that the surfaces are slippery and my cat claws couldn't find any friction to grip on. That's when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I was a black cat with yellow eyes except they weren't cat eyes they were my eyes. It didn't look freaky in fact it looked really pretty. Then again I am a cat person now more physically. The irony is really hitting me hard today.

I probably will wake up in a moment and it will all just be a dream. I'll wake up in the bath tub with the water cold and nothing would have happened. It would all be my mind playing tricks on me. I closed my eyes and opened them and nothing happened. I hissed at the mirror hoping for there to be a reaction. I swung a claw at the mirror leaving a scratch on the translucency of it. And still nothing happened. I decided to jump off the counter hoping to wake myself up.

The only thing that happened was that my nose made contact with the floor. "Mrow." I croaked in pain. I stood up on all fours and I dashed out of the bathroom in a panicked state. There was no way I was going to go out looking like this. My cat stared at me with a weird expression. If I was a cat that means I could talk to her.

"Help!" I said. The cat perked it's ears and I realized that I had gotten through to them. The cat hopped off the couch and made its way towards me. It cocked its head to the side before it spoke.

"Master?" She was confused. Wait I can understand her? That's great but also not horrible at least someone would understand what I'm saying.

"Yeah, it's me, Shinigami." I crowed. They give me another look. There's a moment of silence and then the cat comes closer to me. She walks circles around me and I can hear her sniffing me. She's clearly looking for my scent and I was hopping that the bath didn't rub off my scent or the rain I was in previously. She circled around me one last time before facing me.

"Master, you do smell like her." The cat spoke, "You're eyes are what give you away Master. I have not seen another feline friend with your eyes, less those of a human."

"Yes, it's weird, I don't know why I am now a cat." I answer back. The cat looks at me with curiosity.

"Master you might have been messing around too much with your parlor tricks." She mentioned, "Maybe you just weren't careful this time?" I nod. That is a possibility and I didn't even think about it. Although I had some ideas of what happened. Shinako being the first and foremost thought on my mind. I pace the floor back and forth and my cat just looks at me with confusion. She's being very unhelpful. All she could do for me was confirm that I am her owner and that I might have done this to myself. I know that I can transform into a cat but I already tried incanting the spell to break it. That was no dice. So clearly I didn't put the spell on myself.

Maybe there was a spell on the rain? Shinako did lure me out into the open and asked to help me. That was too suspicious so clearly now it all seemed to fit like I solved one big puzzle and all the pieces fit. I make my way to the window and leap onto the ledge, ready to journey and find Shinako.

"Where are you going?" The cat asked. I freeze for a moment and I turn to her. "I'm looking for answers." I say. I disappear from the ledge before my feline friend could respond. I slipped on the ledge of the balcony a few floors down and ended up tumbling into the garbage disposal. And boy was it difficult to climb out of the waste. It was a lot easier when I was human and if I didn't have any practice as a cat I would most certainly have taken an hour to dig myself out of there. And now I went from smelling like a clean cat to smelling like a dog..Ugh.

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