sleazy pick-up line

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Tuesday went by nice an easy. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Juan had visited his parents for dinner Monday night, and his sister, her husband and their two years old daughter had been there. She was pregnant again, the sister.

"I am so far behind," he bemoaned during our lunch.

"How?" I asked.

"My sister is one year younger than me, and she's got two kids soon and I barely have a girlfriend." He let the fork fall into the container for his lunch.

"Hey, chill," I said. "Enjoy life, enjoy city life."

He looked at me. "How are you doing that?" he asked.

I smiled. "Meet people, relax, and take night classes. Work." I said.

He shook his head. "Go for Spanish classes next."

"Next, that will be sometime after Christmas, I'm taking classes to be a certified advertisement developer, and not just graphic designer."

"How did you get the job as both if you're only one of the things?" he asked.

"I had a minor in product development," I said. "That can be used to many things."


Trisha looked into the conference room, which was also our place for lunch.

"Yeah?" I asked.

She knitted her brow. "Your friend, Greene, has emailed you. Please answer before he calls again?"

"Seriously, what does he want?" I asked and fetched my phone from my pocket.

An email from A.E. Greene.

I opened it.

Dear Christina

The vernissage is rescheduled for tomorrow night. Do you want to go as my date?

A.E. Greene

Was that why he'd called Trisha? "Okay, thanks," I said to Trisha.

"What does he want?" Juan asked.

"Ask me if I want to accompany him for a vernissage," I said. I hesitated for what felt like forever.

"The graphics of the two of you in bed, is something I'd like to see," Juan said and took a bite.

"You've got issues," I remarked with a dry smile.

He laughed and gathered his things. "It was nice eating lunch together," he said. "Have a nice day."

I glowered at him. I gathered my things and went back to my desk.

I did, indeed, have a graphic project on something regarding sex.

I logged into my mail.

Dear Alexander

I recall you saying, that Saturday would be the last time? As your date? We are barely friends


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