What is wrong is that I might like the new guy but he is taken and I don't want to love anyone anymore...

''Nothing to worry about'' I said while faking a smile ''Don't lie to me you know you can't do that'' he said frowning, I sigh... why does he know me so well...

''It's just... I..'' I sigh again. ''you like Neymar don't you?'' he said ''No! Why would you think that I don't even know the guy?'' I defended myself quickly.

''Well I think that because at practice you looked at him alot and then when we were going to change you were with him and now when you heard he has a son you just acted different'' he said softly.

''Okay yeah maybe I like him but I don't know him I only saw him at practice, and he has a girlfriend and a son...'' I told him

''He has a girlfriend?'' Alexis asked. ''Yeah obviously!'' ''No no no he hasn't, okay he has a son but he has no girlfriend. His son flies over from Brazil sometimes to be with him, Davi is now 3 and his parents aren't a couple'' he said reassuring me ''Really?'' I said feeling releaved.

I thought he really had a girlfriend he does seem like a type that has a girlfriend though ''Yeah.. Hey don't think you're not good enough for him okay you are better than everyone else... Besides me'' he said the last part smiling.

''Omg... you are such a jerk'' I laughed and slapped him on his arm. He is even more arrogant about his beauty than me

''Let's go inside prinseca(princess)'' he said laughing ''Okay you dork''. We walked inside and Neymar came to me.

''Can I speak with you... Alone'' he asked. ''yeah of cours'' What does he want to talk about?

''Hey, listen I'm sorry that I was late I couldn't come ear..'' I cut him off ''Neymar it's fine...I'ts nothig to worry about okay" I said to him with a reassuring smile. "Ohw okay then... let's go inside" He said happy, we walked back inside and they all were dancing

"Can I join?" I yelled over the loud music "yeah, C'mon tiger..." They all yelled back.

When I get angry I growl like a tiger and stuff so that's why they call me tiger.

Me and Neymar head to the dance floor and danced a while, I got a bit tired so I sat down because I was feeling a little dizzy and I haven't even drink anything so it's a little bit weird...

"Hey are you ok?" Alexis asked. "Yeah just a little dizzy" I said while closing my eyes. "You need to get home where's Marc?" He asked "I don't know" I said and my head was really spinning now.

''Erina? what's wrong?'' Rafael asked walking towards me. ''She is not feeling well can you take her home? we call the doctor tomorrow'' Alexis said.

''Guys no need for a doctor okay, just get me home'' I said while still holding my hands on my head

''Well why are you dizzy then? You didn't even drink something, you just arrived?'' Alexis asked.

"I don't know, can I just please go home'' I plead. ''Yeah sure babe, c'mon'' Rafael said and hold me by my arm for support, we went outside to his car and drove off.

''Rina? you really don't know why you are feeling dizzy?'' he asked again. ''No I swear I suddenly felt dizzy and everything is spinning'' I answered him.

''I'm gonna stay until Marc gets home okay'' ''Yes please'' I nodded.

If anything happens then he is here, so then Marc doesn't find me anywhere lifeless on the floor... just joking.

''Okay we're here... just wait'' he said while getting out, he opened my door and grabbed me bridal-style I just did my head in the crook of his neck because I was still feeling dizzy.

We got into my room and he laid me on my bed, ''I'm going downstairs to grab some food okay go change into your PJ's'' he commanded.

''Don't tell me what to do'' I snapped, ''Just change! man.. even when you are not feeling well you are being a bitch'' he mumbled while shutting the door behind him ''I heared that!'' I yelled.

I walked to my wardrobe and grabbed myPJ's (Picture 2#) and did my hair in a messy bun.

When I was done I walked downstairs and saw that Rafael was gone?

''Rafa? Where are you?'' I called while searching around the house, I walked into the living-room and saw Alexis there sitting on the couch with our big screen down and chips, chocolate, candy, soda and blankets and he light up the room with candles.

''Omg what is this?'' I said smiling, ''Well you couldn't stay at the party and I didn't have much time with you? sooo...Laia forced me also to go to you, and now I'm here joining you'' he said smiling, I cried a little. I missed him so much and now he is here

''Hey Babe... why are you crying?'' he said while walking towards me. he hugged me tight and I just couldn't handle it

''I..i...i just missed you..so..so much and now you ar.. are here and I'm just...'' I sobbed and stopped talking.

''Hey hey don't cry, I missed you to okay, Now I'm here with you... you know I love you right?'' he said while kissing my forehead.

''I love you so much.. don't ever leave me'' I said sobbing in his chest.

''I love you more.. and I will always be here for you when you need me'' he cooed in my ear.

''Okay enough with the crying, let's watch the match Real Madrid'' he wiggled with his eyes, I laughed a little ''Sure... against?'' I asked him ''Arsenal'' he answered. ''Cool, let's watch then'' I said excited but i'm feeling dizzy again.

''here take this'' he gave me some pills ''They are for you're dizzy thingy'' I smiled about how he explained my dizziness and take the pills.

We both snuggled in each others arms and just watched the game, mostly when me and Alexis are gonna watch a game we would be prepared and shop for football shirts and stuff and when the game begins we are screaming loudly but I'm not feeling well so we don't do it.

After the game we watched a movie but I fell asleep in Alexis arms.

Picking Up The Pieces(Ft. NeymarJr)Where stories live. Discover now