Chapter 21 forgiven?

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Erina's pov:

The one who shield his self from the guys behind them he came forward and i glared at him "no i'm

not" i furrowed my eyebrows at Cristiano and looked at the other guys "i'm here for James" i

smiled and looked at their shocked faces "he was the only one who invited me" i flip my hair back

and looked at my nails "sassy aren't we" Cristiano smirked at me and i gave him a wink "and flirty,

you are here for me not them come on" James said pulling me from the guys harshly. Is he

jealous? "James?" He didn't respond so he was definitely jealous "James!" I shout and snatch my

hand back "what?" He said frustrated "what the hell is wrong with you?" I rest my hands om my

hips and give him a look. "Nothing" he growled and walked away, i just stand there not going after

him and he turned around "come on" he groaned and glared at me "oh don't give me that glare!" I

hissed at him "i will stand here the whole day until you tell me why you are acting like this?" I

shouted "you are asking for attention with your flirting!" He yelled back "i wasn't flirting!" I yelled

back "yes you were you look like those slutty fans who ask for attention!" He shouted. Oh no he

just didn't said that "Neymar was right" i looked at the ground and than at him "you are a jerk" and

walked away "erina no! I'm sorry i didn't mean it" he grabbed my wrist but i snatched out of his

hands "don't touch me! And if you didn't mean it you wouldn't said it" and walked further to my

car, i walked to the parking lot and i could here some screaming from fans and i put in my

sunglasses because i also saw some paps waiting outside. I got into my car and drove out of the

parking lot but it was full of people and paps who waned to get pictures, i love my fans but if there are

paps i'm not taking picture with them because the paps are really rude and sometimes they are

going to hurt you. I finally managed to get out of all the craziness and drove back to Barcelona, if i

knew he was like this i didn't even bother to come. I was deep in thought when they got broken from

my phone that went off "hello?" "Erina where are you?" Neymar voice came through the speaker

"i'm on my way home, why?"
"Will you watch Davi today i need to arrange something for the case that's coming"
"of course i will, i will be home in about 30 minutes"
"okay see you soon".

And he hang up, good i can distract my mind and get to spend the day with my lovely baby boy.


"Hey cutie!" I squealed as the blond haired boy run into my arms "mãe! I'm staying with you!" He

yelled "yes you are sweety, do you want to do something today?" I looked at Neymar if he

approves and he nodded "si!!!" Davi jumped around "thank you for watching him" Neymar kissed

my cheek and winked at me. "Neymar you need to stop that" i felt my cheeks burning and looked

Picking Up The Pieces(Ft. NeymarJr)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora