Chapter 19 Ritual?

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Erina's POV:

"Oh My God" i was overwhelmed from what i saw "You like it?" Rafael said grabbing my hand "i-i-i

love it" i exclaimed "i'm glad i worked hard on this" he laughed "you?" It wasn't his idea i know

that he doesn't know me that well "okay okay me and the boys" he rolled his eyes "thought so" i

smirked "but i helped" he defended "yeah yeah thank you" i kissed his cheek "iewll Erina" he

mimicked me, "get over yourself" i rolled my eyes, he is so childish okay i agree i am too but hey

that's me he isn't the type for doing that "are we going in? Or are you going to stand there?" I

looked for the last time, it was so beautiful it was a cruise ship what was full of lights it looked

beautiful(picture). I looked at him and he was leaning to some wood "don't act cool with me i know

you" i glared. "Okay okay c'mon" he pulled me by my hand inside and it was dark "why is it

dark?" I questioned "you are stupid" He said "hey! I'm smarter than you idiot" i defended, i am

smarter then him and he also knows that we did a quiz one day and it turn out that i was a smart ass

and he a donkey "act nice" he looked at me sternly "you know you look beautiful tonight" he eyed

me up and down "thanks you don't look bad yourself" i blushed, wtf? Why am i blushing i don't

even like him "i like it when you are blushing" He said and gave a little squeeze to my hand "stop

it" i think i was really red right now "it's the truth" he smiled, he looked so cute "we are here" he

said and i didn't realize i was starring at him, i just stopped walking and looked at him "why are you

acting like this? You were never that nice to me?" I said suspicious, he was always annoying me

and stuff and now he is nice? There is something going on "i am not acting" he looked at me weird

"whatever" and i walked past him, i opened the door that was in front me and when i was inside the

light turned on and people were screaming "congrats" i looked at everybody in disbelief "what?

Why all this? and why congrats?" So many questions and everybody just looked in shock? Did i

swear? No i didn't so why are they shocked? "Did you forgot?" Shakira asked "forget what?" I

looked ad Gerard for an answer but he was also shocked, okay people i'm getting nervous now "it's

been exactly 4 years since you joined this family" Toni said and i feel stupid now, i forgot about

that because everything going on and stuff "i totally forgot" i slapped myself on my forehead

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