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On December the 13th, a white van parked up across road on the house what has never been owned, a person was moving in, his name was Mr.Holmes.My Dad said that we should go over to him and get to know him, I said I didn't want to go but my dad made me go up to Mr.Holmes.

My dad said"Hi you must be are new neighbour, what is your name?"

Mr.Holes replied"um hello, you are right I am your new neighbour,my name is Mr.Holmes what  is yours?"

My dad said"It is Adam and this is my daughter Scarlett ,say hello Scarlett."

I didn't want to,he seemed weird like he had seen a ghost,I felt sort of scared, I had took my camera with me and I was secretly taking pictures.

Finally I said"Hi Mr.Holmes..."

My mum was calling us back as it was time for dinner, my dad said good bye and I walked off.

The dinner what we was having was curry,I loved curry nothing could stop me from enjoying it...then my dad grabbed me by the arm and said"Why where you being so rude to Mr.Holmes, I have taught you to be nice and what do you do be rude, you are grounded  for a week!"

"What! You are evil, I hate you!"I replied as I stormed off upstairs and sat in my room.So many questions were going through my mind such as:Why was dad so angry?What did I do?Why was Mr.Holmes here?

I hated my life,seriously.

I got my camera out and took loads of photos of Mr.Holmes house, then I decided I am going to become friends with Mr.Holmes, I didn't know why, I just wanted to.

That was the biggest mistake of my life(becoming friends with Mr.Holmes)...

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