Chapter 41: Circle of Life

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"You need to start being nicer to your coworkers. Maybe then you'll have friends." I teased.

She scrunched up her face. "I could never be friends with them because the second they start getting too comfortable with me I'll be out of a job."

Laughing I could only nod since she did have a fair point. I was all too familiar with co-workers taking friendships for granted just to get away with things.

We ended up all walked out together and began parting ways to our cars.

"Oh! By the way I'll be bringing my new boo to the show tonight so be sure to have a extra pass for me."

I raised my eyebrow, "And do I know this new boo?"

"Nope." She grinned. "But you will." She says before stepping into her KIA Sorento.

As she revived up her engine, I glanced over at Giana who shrugged and dipped into the car.

"Interesting," I mumbled while getting into the driver seat of Chris' Range Rover.

Every since I picked up his mom and aunt from Vegas this car had pretty much became my second car. Chris hardly drives any other cars other than his lambos and phantoms anyway.

"Can we get food on the way back?" Giana asks while locking and placing her phone in her lap. I nod as I notice she's been texting more than usual lately and I could only assumed it was with the guy she's pregnant by.

"So, how is the father handling this whole situation?"

"Um," She fiddling with his fingers. "Since he's a senior and about to graduate–"

"Hold up, senior?! I thought the boy you were dating was a sophomore like you?"

"He was but we broke up a long time ago. I met Jared at a party like a week afterwards so we had been talking for two months before it happened."

"Wait so did you lose your virginity to ol' boy you were dating or this dude now?"

"I lost it to Damien but he was acting stupid afterwards so I broke up with him."

"So at sixteen you already have a body count of two?" I spoke in disbelief while shaking my head.

"You act like I'm not turning seventeen next month, besides I've seen worst at my school." She scoffs while rolling her eyes. "Anyway, then my best friend Kamiyah begged me to go to this senior basketball player's party with her cause they were talking at the time, but since Jared goes to a different school that was my first time meeting him."

I scrunched up my face. "Kamiyah? I thought your best friend name was Clover?" I asks genuinely confused but also actually into the story.

Giana mugged me. "Nah, I dropped Clover as my friend after her and Damien started going out literally two days after we broke up."

"I-" I started but cut myself by chuckling. This was high school drama for you and I kinda miss it. Life was so much more simple back then. "Okay back to this Jared."

"Right, so Jared plays football too and he received a-lot of college offers. After I told him I'll be moving out to LA with you he says he wants to wait and see if he gets any offers out here before telling his parents."

"That's good. As long as he is going to make a effort to be around, I won't have any problems with him."

Giana smiles, "Yeah he will. I actually really like Jared he's really sweet and he didn't freak out when I told him."

"So you won't be too bummed out about starting a new school in the end of first semester?" I asks guiltily. I felt bad that she'll be leaving her friends and all of Henderson behind but at the same time I couldn't have her living with my cousin when she's my sister.

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