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                                  “Tit for tat”

      Once there was a king who was fond of singing. He had an outstanding royal singer who was famous in all twenty four states of the kingdom. By the stroke of fate, king lost his favourte singer. He died of a strange kind of disease, for which the royal chemists had not any remedy. The king consulted with Wazir* to select a royal singer and announced a singing contest. For this time, it was suggested that a young singer would be elected as the royal singer. The king ordered to invite each and every child for competition throughout the kingdom.

     Chambeli was a girl of fourteen.She was the daughter of a milkman. She had a charming and sonorous voice. She was called “The Nightingale” in the state situated on the bank of the river in the northern part of the kingdom. She determined to take part in the contest. She talked to her father but he refused.

“There would be singers throughout the kingdom. You are a daughter of a poor man, a milkman, not the daughter of a wazir or a commander. What would be the value of your song?” said her father helplessly.

Baba**, the king has allowed everyone to partake in the competition whether he is poor or rich. No one can abduct my talent from me. Just keep faith in God and allot me to go for the contest. Please, Baba.” begged Chambeli.

After some importune, Chambeli’s father consented and she started the preparation for the contest. There were ten more days to go for the contest.

    Beeno was the neighbour and a friend of Chambeli

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    Beeno was the neighbour and a friend of Chambeli. She was jealous of Chambeli's beautiful voice because she was also a singer but a bad one. She didn’t like the inclusion of Chambeli in the competition. She thought to do something ill with Chambeli to prevent her from singing in the context. She went to a hakeem who was a greedy person. She gave some money to hakeem and asked for such medicine which can damage the vocals of a person. Hakeem, at first, denied but when Beeno told him about her participation in singing contest, hakeem realized it maybe helpful for him if Beeno won the competition. He gave her the medicine and Beeno asked him not to tell anyone.

    Beeno returned home blushing. She began to make castles in the air. She was dreaming to become the royal singer. She decided to work on her plan. A day before the contest, she mixed the medicine in Laddoos(a kind of sweets/bakery items) and headed towards Chambeli’s home. Chambeli was happy to see her friend. She welcomed her. Beeno presented Laddoos to Chambeli. “It's a treat from my side in advance for your success in the contest.” said Beeno. “Haha! How could you be so sure about it?” answered Chambeli with a smile. “An agel met me in a dream last night and told me that Chambeli would be the champion of singing contest.” responded Beeno making a scoffing sound.  Chambeli took the packet and became busy in chit chat with Beeno. After an hour, Beeno took leave for her home.

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