"Well, thank you. We appreciate that," Woody said, tilting his hat in thanks.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy sighed in relief. Then Rex went up to them.

"I'm your biggest fan! In fact, I've been playing your game for months now. And I've already gotten you all the way up to LV 47. But that Bahamut boss is really tough. Slinky and I can't figure out how to beat him. Oh, I wish Slinky and the others were here. They'd be so happy to meet you!" Rex explained.

Then the green army men came up to them.

"All troops at attention, sir!" Sarge commanded as he and his men saluted them.

In response, the group of four saluted back. Then a skateboard with the green aliens came over, making Donald move out of the way.

"Wheeee!" the aliens exclaimed.

Once they got off the skateboard, they approached Donald.

"Strangers," the first said.

"From the outside," the second added.

"Welcome," the third told him.

"They're all toys? So that's why we look the way we do," Sora whispered to Jamie.

"Yeah. I thought that was pretty clear when we came out from under a huge bed," Jamie smirked, making Sora chuckle nervously and rub the back of his neck.

"Excuse me. You said that you've battled those intruders before. Tell us where and why," Buzz told him.

"Oh... Well, uh...we are—" Sora began.

"Order!" Donald shouted, stopping him.

"Well? You must have come from somewhere," Buzz insisted.

"Take it easy, Buzz. What matters is that they got those intruders out of our way— for at least a little while. No need to interrogate 'em," Woody reasoned.

"Yeah, Buzz," Rex agreed.

"Woody's right," Hamm added.

"Noted. But still..." Buzz remarked.

"Hey...Have those 'intruders'—the Heartless—been a problem around here?" Sora asked.

"No, they just showed up a little while ago," Woody said.

"In fast, those 'Heartless' materialized...right after all of our friends up and vanished," Buzz added.

"You don't think..." Donald began.

"Well, gee. It can't just be a coincidence," Goofy commented.

"No it can't. With the Heartless around and their friends disappearing, it's just weird," Jamie stated.

"It wasn't always this lonely. One day we woke up, and we were the only toys left here. Nobody's heard from Mom, Molly, or Andy..." Woody explained.

He sat down on a block and brought his foot up to see Andy's name written on the bottom of it. Jamie saw this and remembered how this made Woody change his mind about going to Japan and go back to Andy.

"We keep waiting for Andy to come home," Woody said sadly.

"You really care about him," Sora replied, getting his attention.

"Yeah...He's the best friend that toys like us could ever hope to have," Woody explained.

"All right. We'd better start looking! Have you got any clues we can go on—any other strange things that happened?" Sora asked.

"Well... Hmm. There's one thing," Woody answered.

"One big thing," Hamm corrected.

"Huge, sir," Sarge added.

"What thing?" Rex asked frantically.

"After everyone went MIA, the intruders didn't come alone. They arrived with a guy wearing a hood, dressed in black, just like you. As a matter of fact, he's the only other toy we've seen, outside you four," Buzz explained.

"A black hood? But that would mean..." Sora said.

"No. It can't be," Jamie gasped.

"The Organization!" Donald and Goofy exclaimed.

"You know who it is?" Woody wondered.

"Yeah. They're bad news," Sora nodded.

"Seems like you have a lot of enemies," Buzz pointed out.

"We may have a hunch what's causing all the weirdness. Would you mind if we handle this?" Sora requested.

"I'm sorry. But we're not going to leave this to you," Woody declined.

"Huh?" Sora wondered in confusion.

"If that guy had something to do with our friends vanishing, then he's our problem too. We've got to work together," Woody continued.

"Right! So then, where can we find that guy?" Sora wondered.

"Sarge, any word from the recon team?" Woody asked Sarge.

"The latest reports place him in town, sir. At Galaxy Toys!" Sarge asked.

"Then Galaxy Toys is where we're going. Sora. Follow me. It's out the window and down the roof," Woody stated.

"Not so fast, cowboy. You seem pretty gung ho about going, but shouldn't we stay and wait for Andy?" Buzz pointed out.

"Well...You've got a point, but we've tried waiting. Look, if we go with Sora, we might find a clue. Are you with me, Buzz?" Woody asked.

"Of course. Okay, let's move out!" Buzz answered and they were off.


A/N Here we go to Galaxy Toys!

KH3: Two Worlds, Two Hearts, One Love (Sora X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now