Friends Gone

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When they stopped the Heartless, the group of toys got off the bed and went to them.

"Are they new?" Hamm asked, making the four turn around.

"Wait! Ah— Ah— you look familiar! I know this. You're, uh, you're, uhhh..." Rex pondered excitedly.

"Yozora!" Hamm said happily.

"Huh? My name's Sora," Sora corrected.

"Stay back! For all we know, the intruders sent them," Buzz said.

"Yozora!" Rex shouted, hugging Sora, which Jamie had to hold her laughter back for it.

"Slow down there, Rex. We don't know them," Woody said.

"But we can trust them. They're the number-one-selling heroes in the country!" Rex stated.

"Yeah, Andy's mom must've bought 'em for him. And the Barbie for Molly," Hamm remarked.

"Hamm's right. Did you see how easily they took care of the intruders? I bet they're here to figure out why all our friends have gone missing, and why Buzz's laser started actually laser-ing, and all the weird stuff that's been going on. I mean, that's what heroes do, right? And this Barbie must be a new edition of the collection, meaning she can be a new addition of our family. It's amazing!" Rex explained happily.

"Let's not jump to conclusions," Buzz insisted, making Woody think on it, then Buzz whispered to him, "Gotta be smart, Woody."

Woody looked from Buzz to the group of four then asked, "So, you're...Andy's and Molly's new toys?"

"Toys?" Sora, Donald, and Goofy asked in confusion.

"You guys really need to catch up on some things," Jamie told them.

"You sure did a number on those intruders," Woody complemented.

"Those are the Heartless," Goofy told them.

"The bad guys!" Donald added.

"We've been fighting against those 'intruders' for a while," Sora replied.

"And they're not only trouble, but also a handful," Jamie said.

"I knew it!" Rex exclaimed.

"Hmm. Okay. In that case, you're alright by me. My name's Woody. Put 'er there," Woody smiled, putting a hand out to Sora.

"Hey," Sora returned it, shaking it.

"Now hold on," Buzz tried to reason.

"I'm Sora—" Sora introduced.

"Yozora!" Rex exclaimed.

"Actually, my name's 'Sora'," Sora corrected.

"And I'm Donald," Donald added.

"I'm Goofy," Goofy said.

"And I'm Jamie," Jamie waved.

"And I'm...Buzz Lightyear," Buzz introduced, almost reluctantly.

"Call me Hamm. It's a real honor," Hamm said.

"And I'm Rex!" Rex added.

"It's nice to meet you all. Also, I just have to say I'm a huge fan of Woody and Buzz," Jamie smiled, crossing her arms.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy became a little panicked at that.

"How so?" Buzz wondered, raising an eyebrow.

"Sometimes in the toy store, they would have reruns of Woody's Roundup or even Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. They're both so good. And now I get to meet them in person. It's so cool!" Jamie explained.

KH3: Two Worlds, Two Hearts, One Love (Sora X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now