Funny Face Special

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Once the Heartless and Unversed were cleared, they managed to make it to Section F8. They approached a huge door.

"Once we get through here, we're clear," Sulley informed.

"Yup! This is the central control unit for the whole factory!" Mike said then asked, "Now whaddaya say we get outta here?"

Sora and the others went to it.

"Let me!" Sora said as he and Donald started messing with buttons.

"I'll do it!" Donald insisted.

"Hey, hey! Show a little finesse!" Mike exclaimed.

"Hey, guys. Maybe we should let the guys who actually work here handle it," Jamie suggested.

"Oh. Right," Sora blushed as he and Donald backed away from the controls.

"Thanks, Jamie," Mike said.

"You're welcome. Now get on it," Jamie told him.

Mike typed in something, but nothing happened.

"Rats! Randall and G/E/N must have messed this up. Nothing works!" Mike remarked.

"We can't get out?" Donald asked.

"Maybe it would be faster to just break it," Goofy suggested.

"Oh that's brilliant!" Sora said, making his Keyblade appear and Mike jump.

He was just about to smash it.

"Hang on!" Sulley said, stopping Sora, then continued, "Think we got a better idea. If we can just short it out, the lock will disengage."

"And, lucky for us, Boo is a walking energy generator," Y/N added.

"That might work!" Mike said.

"You're our MVP, Boo!" Sora told her.

Boo giggled then Sulley put her on his shoulders and ran around, making her giggle even more. The other joined in, but Mike stumbled, making Sora stop. Then Mike was sent in the air, as well as Sora's Keyblade. Mike landed gracefully, but then the Keyblade hit him in the head. Boo giggled more, the main controls bursting a bit. Then she got scared, seeing the Unversed.

"Hide her!" Mike said.

"We're on it!" Sulley and Y/N replied.

They fought them off, the big monster taking a little longer to take down. Once done, they looked at the main controls. They were still bursting, but not enough for a short out.

"It's no use! We need a bigger burst of laughter," Mike said.

"Would you care to do the honors?" Sulley asked.

"I'd love to," Mike smiled, hit the sides of his face like crazy, then declared, "Ta-Da! 40 - 0! Game and set! I'm not cut out for this racket."


"Come on, it's a tennis joke," Mike said.

"Yeah and that was a swing and a miss," Y/N smirked.

"Should I have gone with ping-pong?" he wondered.

Sulley and Y/N cringed at that.

"Nothing could've saved that one," Sora whispered to Jamie, making her giggle.

Mike grimaced then exclaimed, "Wait! Nobody move! I dropped my contact!"

He crouched on the ground, looking for "the contact".

"I don't think Boo's gonna get it, Mike," Sulley told him.

Mike stood up, turned away, and crossed his arms.

"Do you two get it?" Sora asked the married couple.

"Yeah. It's 'cause his eye's so big. The joke is you can't lose a contact the size of a dinner plate," Y/N said.

"Oh fine!" Mike snapped.

"Aren't you supposed to be good at this?" Donald wondered.

"I am once I'm warmed up," Mike answered.

"Then let me get you a blanket," Y/N smirked.

"Oh stop it!" Mike snapped.

That's when Goofy got an idea.

"Sora, do the Funny Face Special," he said.

"What?" Sora asked, sighed, then decided, "If you insist."

"Oh I gotta see this," Jamie smiled as she sat next to Boo.

Sora approached them, crouched down to Boo's level, looked down, then did a funny face, earning a little giggle from Boo and a giggly fit from Jamie.

"Everybody join in!" Sora said.

Jamie got up to face Boo and everyone made a funny face, making Boo laugh. The machine then shorted out and the door beeped, being unlocked.

"Sora's aiming for your job," Sulley chuckled.

"And I say he's earned it," Y/N smirked, patting Sora on the shoulder.

Mike groaned then they approached the door.

"You boys and girls aren't gonna leave without saying goodbye?" Randall mocked, making the others turn around to see him and G/E/N.

"Give it a rest, you two. You're not gonna get away with this," Mike told them.

"We'll stop anything you two throw at us," Sulley added.

"Yeah!" Sora stated, them wielding their weapons.

"Maybe you will. Or then again, maybe you won't," G/E/N smirked.

"We have still got an ace up my sleeve," Randall continued, gesturing to what looked like a pile of junk, then commanded, "Now, we command you to destroy them."

The group prepared themselves for anything, but nothing happened. This confused the evil couple and they went to it, snapping their fingers for a response.

"Hey. Come on!" Randall groaned.

They went to it and looked it over.

"Move. Move, you stupid—" G/E/N grimaced.

The others all relaxed.

"Looks like your ace is a joker," Mike laughed.

"What a pile of junk!" Randall exclaimed, kicking it then sulking off with G/E/N behind him.

"Hey—Wait!" Sora yelled, about to go after them until Sulley and Jamie stopped him.

"Just leave him. Don't think he can cause us any more trouble," Sulley told him.

He looked down to see Boo, her saying "Kitty!" Then Y/N picked her up, making her say, "Birdie!"

"Yeah. We need to get Boo back home," Jamie added to what Sulley said.

"You're both right," Sora nodded.

"Boo's door has to be somewhere in the vault," Sulley informed.

"If we head outside and go through the power station, we can get to the door vault that way," Y/N explained.

"Follow us," Sulley told them.

But once they left, a man in an Organization XIII cloak appeared and activated the pile of junk, Randall and G/E/N were trying to start. The evil couple saw this, making them smirk.


A/N I like the Funny Face Special!

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