Meeting the King

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As they flew, Sora and Jamie sat closer to the back while Donald and Goofy stayed up front.

"So what did Kairi want to talk to you about?" Sora wondered.

Jamie placed her hand on her heart and answered, "About Roxas and Naminé."

"You really do know a lot about us, don't you?" he asked.

"Maybe," she giggled then answered, "But she mainly told me that you guys are friends, but since she won't be coming and thinks we have a connection somehow, she let Naminé out of her heart and into mine."

"You have Naminé now?" Sora asked, surprised.

"Yes. I feel her in me and I know you feel Roxas in yours. Kairi was thinking about Naminé and how she missed him. So now they can see each other through us," Jamie replied.

He smiled, put his hand on hers, and said, "I'm grateful for that."

She returned it, gave his hand a light squeeze, then added, "I am too."

"Guys, we're here," Goofy informed.

"The king should know what to do," Donald added.

Not long after, the ship landed and they went inside the castle that stood before them. They went inside and saw Mickey sitting on the throne. Jamie was trying to keep from fangirling.

"It's King Mickey. Oh my gosh," she whispered excitedly.

Sora laughed quietly at her enthusiasm as they approached him. Once in front of him, they bowed.

"Sora, Donald, Goofy, glad to see you. I see you received my letter," Mickey said, indicating to Jamie at the end.

"Yes, your Majesty. Maleficent kidnapped her, but we got her out," Donald replied.

"Hearing she knew a lot about this made her a target to them," Goofy added.

"I see. But to see how valuable she is on both sides, I need to speak with her alone," Mickey requested, standing up.

"Okay. Come on guys," Sora told them.

As they headed for the door, Sora turned around to see Jamie and gave her a nod and a smile, which she returned. Then he, Donald, and Goofy left the room to where Mickey and Jamie were alone.

"Jamie, I have heard so much about you. You have knowledge on worlds that Sora, Donald, and Goofy have visited and even more so. So I have decided to create a test that will see how much you really know. If you are willing to take it," he explained.

"Sure. If I'm needed by Maleficent or Organization XIII, then I ought to use my knowledge to help the side of good," she agreed.

"Great. Come with me," Mickey said.

They walked into a different room where there was a desk with a stack of paper and a pen.

"Sit here and take this test. I'll be back to check on you. I have to tell the others what's going on," Mickey explained.

"Okay. Thank you, your Majesty," Jamie bowed.

"Please. Just Mickey is fine," he said.

"Okay, Mickey," she smiled.

He left the room and she sat down and began the test.


A/N The test would consist of a lot of the Disney animated plots, so you guys can predict the questions. If you want, you can even comment some and I'll answer them the best I can.

KH3: Two Worlds, Two Hearts, One Love (Sora X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now