Holding My Desires ♡︎2

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"I love lilacs, and I love you even more," she explained later.

Theo watched my every move.

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Theo picked up my hand and kissed it, "Sweet thing, " his words whispered. My heart dropped ten levels, like I was zombie sixteen again.

Wonderful, thinking about it.

I wanted to hold on to this moment like forever. He came back, and I still wanted him. Wanting to swear my true love to him. Praying for the big-hearted Cupid to open this heartstrings and bow, and hoping for something like shoot the arrow, set me a new course, hearing his heartbeats, taking my breath away. A thousand thoughts digging deeper through my soul.

Here we sat quietly, as he proceeded driving down the dirt-dried road... hearing a band of grasshoppers, along with the season of nagging crickets chirping in my brain cells, thinking.

One of these days thinking...

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"Lila McGovern, are you playing in the dirt again," a boy smiled, "where is your brother Niles?"

"Inside, watching the Lone Ranger, want to play tag with me?" I asked.

"No, way, I don't want any skinny dipping girl chasing me," he commented.

"I ain't that," grabbing my protector stick, I get up and start chasing him around to the back of the house, "you take that back, Theodore Riggs."

"What? Skinny Dipper, Skinny Dipper, all legs like a chicken, Yahoo..... Yahoo..... Yahoo, jumping like kangaroo's!" he remarked, running away from me.

"Loser, going to cry like a baby as soon as I put red whelps on your legs, go on do a chicken run," I screamed louder, chasing him around like a fool. "If I catch you, I will make you cry like a baby."

"Theo Riggs," my brother called out the door, "Why is Lila chasing you again?"

"He is calling me Skinny Dipper again, and I am not a Skinny Dipper if I catch him," I cried out.

"Pug that stick down Lila, before I holler for dad," Niles threatened.

"You two are alike. Why don't you hold hands and kiss!" I yelled out sarcastically.

"No way, Skinny Dipper, I have you chasing me over a damn old Barbie doll," Theo laughed.

"Laugh, laugh, your pants are going to be on fire, Theodore Riggs," I screamed out. Little did I know that later, his pants did catch on fire many times.

My mother came rushing outside, "Lila dear, stop chasing Theo and Theo, why don't you join Niles," Taking the protector, sticking out of my hand, and throwing it on the ground

"Mom, why won't Theo play with me? He only wants to hang around Niles," I asked, "He hates me, and I ain't no Skinny Dipper." Pleading my case. "What is a Skinny Dipper?" What is a Skinny Dipper?" If only my mother would tell, darn her, she treats me like a baby, maybe in her eyes, I am.

"Later sweetie, don't worry, you are not a Skinny Dipper, Theo just likes teasing you, that's all, she muttered, "I promise that one day he will look at you differently."

She can believe that, but I don't think there is a kind streak in him at all.
( Thinking )

"I don't like it, I will box his ears red, not a second to it, I will make him eat mud pies!" I looked over to the porch and stuck my tongue out. Niles and Theo both laughed at me before they went into the house.

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