Chapter 25

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Amy followed along behind Shepler, rearranging the platters of brownies, cookies, and cupcakes as he filled up his plate. She didn't blame him for not wanting to be at the all-girl event. Although, now that he was outnumbered by females in his house three to one, he should probably start getting used to the ways of the opposite sex.

"Did you ever figure out what happened to Shantelle and Harlan?" she asked as she shifted a couple of chocolate chip peanut butter cookies to fill some of the empty space where he took three. "I stopped to see Rayshelle yesterday, and she hasn't heard from her sister even though she's left messages asking for her to call. I guess the voice mailbox on Shantelle's phone is full now, too."

He shrugged as he stacked two oatmeal fudge bars on top of the base layer of brownies that he had built on the, thankfully, sturdy paper plate. "I have no idea where they are, but missing persons and burglary rings aren't my departments either. I can tell you that the outbreak of thefts has stopped, though. Tracks found at a couple of the scenes were for the kind of tires his truck could have, but without the truck, there's no way to match them up conclusively."

"Rayshelle said her sister has a habit of disappearing like this quite often, so she hasn't filed a missing person's report. She figures Shantelle's hiding from the law and doesn't want to be found."

Shepler masterfully arranged milk chocolate truffles in the nooks of his baked goods mountain. "She could be right. The mystery of where those two went may never be solved. Sometimes people disappear, and they are never found. The departure could've been planned by them, or something malicious could've happened. You just never know until the person or their body shows up."

"Considering how much Rayshelle has turned her life around over the last few weeks, not having her bad-to-the-bone sister around would actually be a good thing for her."

The lease on the Southern Gals booth had been paid up for six months. Since Rayshelle was the closest next of kin, the market space and mini restaurant's equipment went to her. She sold all of the restaurant supplies and used the profits to open a hair accessory business where she offered colorful hair extensions, barrettes, and ponytail holders that she made herself. Her personality softened considerably once she was finally doing something that she loved, not just working to buy groceries and pay her rent. The change from cranky to happy was startling and wonderful, all wrapped up into a colorful, rainbow-striped hair extension package.

Finally, Shepler announced that he had enough snacks, so he could leave. Amy began setting out round two of the dessert buffet. All of the original baked goods had been donated to the soup kitchen when Macy's arrival interrupted the first baby shower. Now that Carla had settled into her new role, she had actually agreed to let Amy and Geri throw the replacement shower.

As Amy stuck serving spoons into the bowls of dark chocolate and mocha pudding, she thought about the maker of the absent Southern-style banana pudding. Shepler didn't have to work hard to build a case against LeighAnne because she readily admitted to murdering her best friend. There was no reason for her not to own up to committing the crime. She went into the emergency room to get stitches for the gash in her head that occurred when she fell into the china cabinet. In the waiting room, while Buck was gone trying to get revenge on Amy for turning in his new girlfriend to the police, she had a seizure. In the end, what she thought was a flare-up of her adrenal disease was actually terminal cancer which had spread throughout her body. The doctors figured she only had a few months to live. She was spending the remainder of her life in the medical ward of a women's prison.

LeighAnne's story was depressing, but Amy couldn't stay sad. She was hanging out with the world's cutest baby. In the living room, Carla peeked underneath the thin blanket she had covered Macy with while she was breastfeeding her. The contented smile that spread over her friend's face was a demonstration of pure love.

Geri emerged from the hallway. The new grandmother literally sparkled with pride since she was wearing a pink sequin-covered sweater. It was a departure from her usual bohemian-chic clothing style, but she pulled it off with ease. A nod to her former life as an ordinary housewife in Kellerton. She kissed the top of Carla's head as she walked past her daughter. "How's she doing?"

"Almost done. I think she inherited her daddy's appetite."

Shepler walked out of the kitchen with the plate of baked goods in one hand, his cell phone clasped to his ear with the other. They all laughed. He wrinkled his nose at the odd reaction to his appearance then continued on his way out the door to the garage. "Have fun, ladies," he called before the door swung shut behind him.

"We have a few minutes before anybody should start arriving," Geri said as she sat in the recliner usually designated for Shepler. Folding chairs were dispersed between the permanent furniture of the living room to accommodate the shower guests. "I wanted to talk with you two about something."

Carla slipped Macy out from under the blanket. The new mom expertly moved the infant over to her shoulder outfitted with a burp cloth then swiftly fastened the nursing bra and rearranged her blouse before removing the blanket. Macy wasn't even a month old, but her momma was a pro at being a momma. Amy grinned with pride at her best friend's dazzling new maternal skills. Did those changes happen to all women who had babies?

"What's up?" Carla asked as she began gently patting Macy's back. The baby's pink tutu skirt was so puffy she needed to smooth it down to get a clear look at her mother. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. I don't think I've been this happy since you were born." Geri smiled as she took a deep breath. "I'm so in love with Macy, and it has been wonderful reconnecting with you during this new phase of your life." She turned sideways to look at the clock on the wall. "I'll stop blabbering and get to the point. What would you think if I moved back to Kellerton? I put the pieces of my life back together after the divorce in New Zealand, but now I would really like to continue to be a part of your, Macy's, and Bruce's life."

"I would love to have you stay in the U.S., Mom. I want Macy to know her grandma, instead of just talking to her on a scratchy international phone line once in a while," Carla said.

Aaaawww! Amy couldn't help but smile. It was wonderful when everything worked out. A killer was brought to justice. Macy was born happy and healthy. The postponed baby shower was about to begin—with Carla's blessing. All was right in the world. Amy placed her hand on Geri's shoulder and said, "I'm so happy you want to stay. I would love to get to know you better."

Fudge Brownies & Murder - Culinary Competition Mystery #4Where stories live. Discover now