Lonley part 3

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Star Killer Base was destroyed and now you were on your way to see the Supreme Leader. To say you were nervous would be an understatement. Your one hand that was free was trembling ever so slightly and the other was desperately grasping in to Ben's hand as though you were scared to loose him to the force.

"Hey it's ok we will explain the situation at hand then we will kill the resistance." Ben says comfortingly and for a second you believe him

"How do we explain the girl to him?" You ask looking at him with wide eyes filled to the brim with curiosity like the day you met just after Ty had died and he had told you he could help.He chuckles at this.
"Patience I will deal with this like I always do." He says whilst playfully tugging your hair

You were now reaching the elevator and you were very nervous. You had never met the supreme leader but you had heard great things about him. You started fiddling with whatever you could which happened to be a rogue thread on the sleeve of your jumpsuit(photo up above)
"Why don't you stay here and I will deal with this." Ben said noticing your uncertainty
"Are you sure?" You ask worrying about how he would explain your absence
"Positive." He said smiling before kissing your forehead and walking into the elevator
He mouths something at you but you didn't know what then you hear a voice in your head that sounded exactly like his.
"I love you" is what it said before once again leaving you to your own thoughts.

Sorry it was short. Hope you like it!!


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