How you met Finn in further detail

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You were flying with Poe and saved his life.

Finn's POV

Great we're surronded by stormtroopers who suprise suprise want to kill me. It probably doesn'thelp that I'm standing right next to THE Han Solo and Chewbacca.

"Drop your weapons now." The voice was demandimg and I knew better than anyone to test it. A trooper took it off of me while I stood there with Han and Chewie not wanting to get shot. Suddenly I heard an explosion from behind me. Spinning on my heel I see ships flying over our heads. The resistance. Two pilots were certainly better than the rest and that was putting it lightly. They were able to shoot each individual trooper surrounding us without one shot missing its target.

"Those two are sure hella good pilots." I say before running towards the now dead soliders holding my weapon.


"Another win for the resistance big brother." I say hugging my brother

"You got that right." He says smugly causing me to roll my eyes at him.

I feel something hit the back of my leg so I turn around and look down.

"BB-8 my buddy." Poe says looking at the droid which had bumped into me. A smile spreads acrossmy face at seeing the droid back here with the resistance. This droid is one ofthr only things keeping my brother incheck the others being me and the General. He starts having a conversation with his old friend while I start inspecting my ship seeing if there is any improvements I could make ready for the next mission I'm sent on. I end up with the conclusion that I could increase the rate of speed and was just about to ask Poe if he wanted to help like the good old days when I realised he was no longer there. He was embracing someone I had never seen before. Poe was acting like they were old friends which was impossible because until we came here we were all each other had. He clearly was not resistance otherwise I would recognise him but he was wearing Poe's jacket so they must know each other. Maybe he was that man that had rescued him that Poe had talked so highly about. Only one way to find out. I start walking over to him Poe sees this and starts to smile more clearly getting ready to introduce us.

"Finn this is my sister." My brother says so Finn that's his name I think. I hold out my hand for him to shake.

"Y/n Dameron pleasure to meet my brother's rescuer." I say and he shakes my hand.

"Well I need your help. Could you help a me do you think?" He asks and I nod my head with such determination I can see he instantly relaxes a bit more. Poe starts takimg us to where the General is while I talk a bit more to Finn.

"So do want to explain your dating rescue to save my brother from the clutches of the First Order." I say jokingly and he laughs a bit at that.

"One day I will just now we have to go save the galaxy."

"Very well Sir I look foward to talking to you about it then." And with that I disappear from his view to go talk to my former mentor Han Solo.


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