Chapter 1

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I will say this only once(well maybe more times): I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER!

Anyways, this is my first fanfic, and I am going to do a one-shot, and since I'm going to High School soon, please do not judge me for being late to update and things like that.Also, I would never purposely copy another's person's work, so if you wrote something along this plot line before March 27,2020, PLEASE WRITE TO ME! I WILL TAKE THIS OFF IF YOU DON'T WANT IT!!!

So... here we go, I guess! ___________________________________________________________________________

"Harry?" A voice asked, "Harry? Wake up! Someone's written a letter to you.... Although it doesn't say who it's from. You might want to check it out before you open it."

"It's probably Ron or Hermione, Ginny," Harry responded, "Stop fretting, the war is over!" He rolled over and got out of bed. "Actually," he added, "Give me that letter... I think I know who its from."

"Yeah, its probably Ron or Hermione, as you clarified before. Or it could be the girl you're cheating on me with, so you don't want me to-" Ginny teased.

"GINNY!" Harry looked mortified, but once he realized that she was joking, his face became teasing as well, "Oh I feel heartbroken, you don't trust me! Anyway, might as well open that letter." Ginny opened the letter for him, and read aloud.

"Dear Mr. Harry James Potter,

I am really glad that you did not throw this in the fire yet. You might not want to. You see, I have decided to grant your heart's greatest desire since you have done such a favor for our kind. You got rid of an almost-invincible monster who calls himself a Lord.

Tomorrow morning at 1, there will be a series of knocks at your door. Open your door. Once you open the door, you will see four people, who I will keep unnamed. They will immediately recognize you, however much you do not recognize them.

Thank you so much for defeating Voldemort and reading this far in my letter.

Your Friend"

"You see, Harry? This is fake. 'I have decided to grant your heart's greatest desire...' I mean, this could be a death eater! He could be sending in four more tomorrow to finish us off!" Ginny concluded proudly.

"I, for one, believe him. I mean, yes it is too good to be true, but still!"

"You would have thought that the savior of the Wizarding World would be more careful. He was awfully more careful as a teenager."

"Oh, shut it Gin!" Harry said, walking down the stairs, thinking how his heart's greatest desire could come true.


So that's it then! The first chapter! I am thinking of making this a 3 chaptered story, what do you guys think? Also, I am not that good at writing, so only constructive criticism please! THIS IS ONLY MY FIRST STORY!!

Oh yeah, I LOVE REVIEWS!!!
(That's code for, "Please review or else!")

~ Julie

His Greatest DesireOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant