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Red. Red was everywhere, dripping down its chin, stained in its clothes, burning in its eyes. The eyes of a killer. I flinched away from the ghostly figure, screaming in horror. I let out a groan of anger and smashed my hand against the mirror in front of me, shattering it into a million pieces. My hands began dropping red. Glass pieces were inside my hand. Normally it would hurt, normal was no longer an option.

I was a monster, a murderer, and a vampire. I have taken away an innocent life, destroyed a mother's hope, betrayed a loving father, shattered away any chance I had at life. Shattered it like a mirror.

I tore the glass pieces out of my hand one by one, not even cringing when it carried flesh along with it. My eyes filled with tears again and this time I let them spill over. They ran down my cheek slowly, reminding me of the blood running down my chin.

I cried harder and scram in frustration, "BLOOD! Blood, blood, blood! I hate it! I hate it," I slid down the wall onto the floor and covered my face in my hands. What was wrong with me? How did this happen to me? Who did this to me?

I took a deep breath and wiped my face with my sleeve. I need to be strong. I am Caroline Forbes, daughter of Bill and Liz, the sheriff, I am Miss Mistic Falls and captin of the cheerleader team. I may be a monster, but I will not show fear.

I tore off my shirt, which was covered in blood and used it like a rag, to wipe up the mess of blood that I had made on the floor. Wiping it away like I would with my life. Each stroke is like I am washing away old memories. Memories of my human life were no longer important. I am a new person.

A Love That Consumes YouWhere stories live. Discover now