Peter steps up to help. We begin to look around the exam room for some sort of weapon to use against the giant Alpha. Stiles comes up with a defibrillator but is told by Derek to put it down since he doesn't know how to use it. Scott finds a 50ML syringe filled with some solution of Epinephrine. "No because it would only make Voltron Alpha stronger."

Peter sees this as a possible advantage. "We need to get Scar and Cora out of here," Derek says.

"What? Me? Why?"

"You are what they want the most," he says.

"No! I'm staying with Scott!"

"No, you're leaving with Cora."

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? It's actually your fault we're in this mess. You just had to become an Alpha for power. You were fine as you were."

"Well you were suppose to be apart of these sacrifices and that can still happen while Deucalion is targeting you. You need to get as far away from danger."

"Derek, you are danger! So leaving my brother and my best friend alone with you isn't the smartest thing to do."

"You can be killed!"

"If I die, I die fighting for what I believe in and who I love!"

"Hey!" Stiles exclaims. "Let her go. She can help Peter and Scott distract the twins long enough for us to get out."

I glare at Derek before stabbing Peter in this chest with the syringe. Peter steps into the hallway with the Epinephrine syringe sticking out of his chest, right over his heart. He is breathing hard and sweat is pouring down his face. He, Scott and I are able to distract the Alpha Twins long enough for Derek, Jennifer and Stiles to get Cora down to the basement.

We start off good but the shot of adrenaline eventually wears off and we are left supporting Peter as we continue to flee from the Alpha Twins. We take refuge in the laundry room and find a means of escape by sliding down the chute used to get dirty laundry from the upper floors to the laundry machines in the basement. Derek texts us to turn on the back-up generator. Peter realizes the others haven't yet escaped the hospital. Scott texts back: 'Don't move. On our way'. We go to the basement to Stiles and Cora. "We're going back for Derek and our mom," Scott tells Stiles.

"We have another problem because Kali has the keys to the ambulance and the twins are nearby," Stiles replies.

Scott tells him to sit tight and we return to the hospital. We're attacked by the merged twins. They easily best us, grabbing us by the throat and lifting up off the ground. The beast speaks, saying, "We're trying not to hurt you. We just want you and Cora."

"Maybe you should try harder," Scott responds.

I hear my mom shout, "Hey! I'd like to try something."

She then steps forward with a fully charged defibrillator and places both paddles onto the Voltron Alpha's chest. The electricity from the device surges through the beast, the twins demerge and fall to the floor. My mom reaches out to us, pulls us up to our feet and we run off down the corridor. We discuss Deucalion's motive for letting her go. "Deucalion doesn't do anything without a reason," Scott points out.

As we round a corner they run into Chris, Allison and Isaac. We try to come up with a plan to get them all out of the hospital and keep Jennifer Blake alive since she is the key to finding the Sheriff and saving Cora. Chris is unclear which teacher they're talking about. "She has brown hair and is kinda hot," Isaac supplies.

Allison catches sight of her reflection and realizes that she can pass for Ms. Blake. Scott texts the plan to Derek who then makes some noise by opening the elevator doors as Ms. Blake removes her shoes. Using video chat, Isaac and Allison coordinate the plan of attack. My mom manages to get the power back on. Me and Scott come across an unconscious Derek lying in the elevator. Jennifer has escaped using the hatch in the car's ceiling. We rush to the roof but our mom Is already gone. Deucalion is there. "I knew all along that parents were the target. If you two were with me, then I would have known that in time to save your mother."

Deucalion lays out a bargain, if we help Deucalion catch the Darach then Deucalion will help get our mom and Stiles' dad back. Stiles arrives to see me and Scott begin to walk toward the Alpha. "Don't do this," Stiles pleas. "Don't go with him."

"We don't know what else to do," Scott replies softly.

"No, there's g... There's got to be something else, okay? We always...we always have a plan B."

"Not this time, Stiles," I reply.

He sees the tears in my eyes so he looks to Scott. "Scott." He looks to me. "Scarlett."

"We're gonna find your dad. We promise."

My Love for Derek Hale *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now