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Hey, I'm sorry but i don't think i can come to your place today, I'm not feeling well, i think I'm coming down with something

Its fine, don't worry
Just get better soon so that we can hang out again

Of course ♡

Get some rest now, ok?
It helps

Will do hyung
Thank you for understanding

Of course
Bye bye, sleep well♡


Jisung slumped back in his squeaky old bed, sighing to himself. He couldn't move out of bed obviously, but it didn't matter any more, he almost threw up by the thought of eating food today anyways.

The boy laid still in bed, looking at his ceiling. He wondered about so many things at the moment, wanting to find a solution to his problems.

'Would my parents support me if i told them I'm in financial troubles? Would my friends take me in if i no longer have anywhere to stay? Would moving in with my grandparents in Malaysia help? Would they want me to move in, or are they too grossed out by me? What if i committed a crime and lived in the prison for now, just until i figure out what to do?'

He didn't know any of the answers. His parents would probably not support Jisung, even if he was their only son. His parents had most definitely told his grandparents about his coming out, and that's probably where his parents got their homophobic attitude from so his grandparents was another no-go. Prison would do him no good, and let's be honest, he wouldn't survive even a day in prison.

His friends were the most realistic option, but still probably not. Changbin lived in his collage dorm, Jeongin lived with his parents and Hyunjin now too lived with his parents after they decided to take him back in under their roof.

In conclusion: Jisung was screwed. Literally.

He had no other option but to stay in his job, getting paid to sleep with people, or like last night, getting paid to get raped.


"Yeah, Min. Come on why don't you ask him out?" Chan asked, earning nods from the other two.

Minho groaned, laying down onto his bed.

"Guys, I can't do that. I've known him 3 weeks. What if I scare him off by rushing things?" Minho whined.

"Min have you seen the way he looks at you? Kid's whipped." Seungmin insisted, annoyed.

"Hey you don't know that." Minho defended, pouting.

"Let me ask you this, Minho. You guys have kissed as we all know." Felix began.


"Who initiated the first kiss?" The ginger continued.

"... He did." Minho muttered, fiddling with his fingers.

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